School leaders deploy and guide level 2022 welcoming work

Author:Qufu Normal University Time:2022.09.12

Qufu Normal University News Center (Correspondent: Sina) In order to ensure that the 2022 freshmen are reported on schedule, on the morning of September 6, the school's special deployment and adjustment of freshmen reported. Participate in the meeting. In response to the special circumstances of combining online and offline new students' reports to online and offline at the same time, and the combination of online and offline teaching models, the meeting was arranged and deployed. The meeting emphasized that the colleges should understand the new student reporting plan after the adjustment and adjustment, tighten the string of the epidemic prevention and control, and strictly fall into the requirements of various outbreaks to prevent and control. There must be no loopholes to ensure that the freshmen are reported to be safe and orderly; we must adhere to the student -centric work concept, carefully organize and create an atmosphere, and do a good job of student management services and new students' enrollment education; Attitude, strive to provide warm and caring service guarantee for freshmen.

From September 10th to 11th, Qufu Normal University's Qufu Campus 2022 freshman online reported to start school. Li Zhaoxiang and Hu Fangang of the school's party committee, vice presidents, and Hu Fangang went deep into the on -site inspection and guidance work of the Rizhao Campus. The responsible comrades of the Rizhao Campus Office, Student Work Office, Graduate Office and other departments attended the condolences.

At the entrance of the teaching area, the school leaders carefully checked the verification of body temperature, health code and other aspects of the body temperature and health code when entering the school, and conducted on -site command and scheduling to ensure that various epidemic prevention measures were implemented in place, and freshmen entered the school safely and healthy.

The school leaders successively went to the registration site of the second -level colleges, logistics support and other places to learn more about the progress of the school's welcoming work and the process of reporting the new students. Thanks for the hard work of the person, he expressed his appreciation for the colleges to fully demonstrate the professional characteristics in the process of welcoming the new process, carefully designed the special activities, and reflect the humanistic care of the college. Tell everyone to adhere to the student -oriented work, make the welcome work carefully, discover and properly handle the problems that may occur in the welcome work in time, and complete the various tasks reported by the freshmen with high quality. The freshman feels the warmth of the Garden family.

Beginning on September 13th, the two campuses of 2022 freshmen will conduct a week of online enrollment education. , Invite on -service teachers, outstanding alumni, inspirational academic seniors to carry out a variety of ideals and belief education, school history education, school discipline education, professional navigation education, excellent academic style education, teacher style education, vocational planning education , Safe and stable education, etc., help the majority of freshmen to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, understand university life, broaden cultural vision, and cultivate personality.

News source: Rizhao Campus Office

Supply review: Jiang Meiying Liu Rong

Edit: Editor Liu Meng: Liu Yongli

Final trial: Sun Xiangguang

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