Hebi issued a notice of returning to school in the autumn semester

Author:Henan Education Network Time:2022.09.13

Notice on the preparations for returning to school in the autumn semester

Education classes of counties and districts, municipal colleges and universities, municipal electromechanical information engineering schools, and municipal primary and secondary schools (kindergartens):

Given that most of the counties and districts in the city have been adjusted to low -risk areas, in order to ensure that the autumn semester (kindergarten) in the city (kindergarten) returns to school as soon as possible, it should be opened to ensure the safety of peace and school. The situation and provincial and municipal epidemic prevention and control requirements, now the notice of the preparation work of various schools at all levels in the fall of 2022 is as follows: as follows:

1. Coordinate to determine the time when returning to school to start school

According to the notice of the adjustment of some regional epidemic prevention and control measures and the notice of Junxian on adjusting the prevention and control measures of some regional epidemic conditions, in addition to Hongyuan Street, Hongqi Street, Hongqi Street, Shancheng District, Laowen Casual Caspis Store, Changfeng Middle Road Street, Changfeng Middle Road Street Crane Coal Six Mine, Dongshuangshuangtou Village, Xinzhen Town, Junxian County, Donggao Song Village, Xinzhen Town, and Xishuangtou Village, Xishuangzhuang Town as the Central Risk Zone. Other areas in the city are already low -risk areas. The district should scientifically judge, and the division category determines the opening time of returning to school in autumn. In principle, after September 14th, the notice of the "Hebi City Education Special Education Special Education Class on Education Class Education Class of Hebi City (including secondary vocational schools, kindergartens) to the opening work plan" ( Executives (2022) No. 60), school reports that are accepted by the local education classes, and school reports with the conditions of school reporting to the county and district epidemic prevention and control headquarters can return to school to start school. Disciplinary off -campus training institutions and out -of -school training institutions have suspended offline teaching activities, and stadiums are still suspended to the society.

2. Do a good job of preparing for the start of school to start school

(1) All teachers and students must participate in the 22nd round of the total nucleic acid testing of the city on September 13. Teachers and students must hold 24 -hour kernel acid negative proof to return to school. Speed ​​up to school, and you can enter the school after three days and two inspections.

(2) All school affairs will eliminate the campus again before the teachers and students return to school.

(3) All boarding schools should conduct a comprehensive self -inspection of the school cafeteria to form a self -inspection report, and the problems found and hidden food safety hazards must be established.

(4) All schools should conduct a comprehensive investigation of campus safety to eliminate hidden safety hazards in a timely manner.

(5) It is necessary to focus on the health status of teachers and students in the families of the confirmed cases, and the health status of the teachers and students in the family of the densely connect. situation. Strictly implement the system of morning, noon, and evening inspection, strengthen health monitoring, and discover, report, report, early diagnosis, early treatment such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell (taste), and diarrhea. Eliminate the hidden risks and resolutely eliminate campus infections.

Hebi New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

Education Class Office

September 12, 2022

(Source: WeChat public account of Hebi Education and Sports Bureau)

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