Peking University Affiliated Primary School: "Metaple" of the curiosity of primary school students into innovative literacy

Author:China Education News Time:2022.09.14

The primary school affiliated to Peking University originated from the High School Affiliated to Jingshi University in 1906. In recent years, the school has been based on the foundation of practice, explored and explored the rules of children's growth, and carried out the practice of innovative literacy training based on evaluation reforms as a breakthrough. The theory of early training of innovative talents provides a practical template.

Primary school stage is the key period for the development of innovative literacy

A large number of development of education, cognitive psychology theory, and actual evidence have shown that primary school stage is a critical period for the development of innovative literacy. During the top -level design of the early innovative talent training goals, Peking University has always firmly grasped the correct direction of running the school, and insisted on taking the effectiveness of Lideshu as the fundamental criterion for all work and children's development of children.

The innovative literacy cultivation of elementary schools should have different emphasis. 6-12 years old is the critical period of children's development and an important period for early training of innovative literacy. Following the laws of children's physical and mental development, Peking University attached to elementary schools, dividing elementary school innovative talent literacy indicators into three stages: low, middle and high, and adopting different teaching strategies, rising stairs, and gradual progress.

The low grades of primary school mainly focuses on cultivating children's innovative consciousness, and focus on changes in innovative learning methods to continuously stimulate students' curiosity and curiosity. The middle grades of elementary school mainly focus on cultivating children's innovative thinking, and focus on reforms through curriculum teaching methods to guide students to gradually form good learning habits and learning methods suitable for themselves. The senior grade section of elementary school mainly focuses on cultivating children's innovative spirit. By creating a tolerant environment, leading students' active practice, "monetizing" curiosity as a long -lasting hobby and excessive expertise, and preliminary critical thinking.

"Learning to play with each other" innovative talent training path

In many years of practical exploration, Peking University has gradually clarified the innovative talent training path that adapts to the laws of education and teaching in primary school- "learning and play". That is, under the premise of respecting the nature of children's nature and education and teaching, the purpose of "learning", "teaching" and "doing" through "play" is used to "play".

Play middle school -learning change. For a long time, students have studied subject logic courses. The learning methods are mainly mechanical, passive, and repeated training. Students have a serious lack of time and space for students to explore innovation. Through the purpose of "playing", students swim in 175 courses in the five core literacy fields of humanities, scientific literacy, health art, social exchanges, and international understanding. Situation experience, hands -on practice, and reflection summary, realizing the learning from passive learning to active learning, learning from a single knowledge to the improvement of comprehensive ability, "play" realized the self -improvement of innovative literacy in "play".

Play in teaching -change of teaching. Diverse and heterogeneous teachers' teams designed a destination "play" teaching solution to realize the change of teaching methods through the teaching path of "life, gaming, and integrated". During the implementation of Chinese education, teachers are well -watched by teachers who have learned and enlightenment, and they are transformed into both wise players. Under the guidance of a group of masters such as famous opera artists Mei Yan and Zhang Yinian, a well -known opera artist Mei Yan, and the master of Chinese studies, the children walked into the highest hall of humanities, technology, and art during their play.

Do in play -practice change. The school focuses on solving realistic problems in the three -dimensional open life scene, experienced, perceive, discover, and create, forming a three -in -one practice paradigm of "Play -Innovation -Rong". "The implementation system stimulates students' creativity. Carry out new technologies based on cross -disciplinary learning platforms such as STEAM Education Center and Maker Education Center; hand -made can be made everywhere in schools, creative design and manufacturing ... These practices have changed "negligible morality, stronger than wisdom than wisdom than wisdom than wisdom than wisdom than wisdom than wisdom than wisdom, The current status of education that weakens is more than the body, less than the beauty, and lack of labor "has achieved the comprehensive development of the integration of students'" five education ".

Integrate multi -party resources and innovate evaluation methods

Talent training is the school's system engineering. Innovative talent training needs the top -level design of the school to create a good innovative ecology. The school integrates multi -party resources, creates a platform for linked development inside and outside the classroom, inside and outside the school, opens the channels for talent training, and builds a traffic bridge for talent growth.

Peking University's profound innovation culture traditions, high -tech resources that are constantly emerging in Zhongguancun community, and unique teachers and parent groups with unique teachers and parent groups affiliated to the primary school affiliated to Peking University have provided superior resources for early training practices for innovative talents at Peking University. We also teamed up with Peking University Kindergarten, Peking University Affiliated Middle School and Peking University to investigate the needs and focus of students' innovative literacy training at different stages, connecting upward and downward, and trying to open up the barriers to the development of large, middle, small, and young talents.

Over the years, we have worked hard to explore, collect students 'processes performance in various sections and disciplines, use informatization methods, dynamically track the trajectory of students' growth, carry out intelligent analysis, and conduct "digital portraits+positive incentives+comprehensive reviews" for students. Enhance students' innovative literacy in all aspects. The school adopts the method of qualitative research to show the children's growth stories in the way of case interviews. At the same time, it focuses on the guidance and evaluation of non -intellectual factors.

Early cultivation system for elementary school innovation talents provides natural fertile soil for children's innovative literacy training.In the survey of academic levels at all levels, the "Innovation" indicators of Elementary School students in Peking University are far ahead.Children have won more than 1,000 people in the international and national science and technology competition awards including the Robot World Cup champion, the National Youth Robotics Contest Gold Medal, and have won more than 1,200 people in various art innovation competitions.(Author: Yin Chao is the principal of the primary school affiliated to Peking University)

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