2022 China Modern Education Development Index 71.0: Teachers 'quality and educational quality Chinese parents' two concerns

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.09.15

China Well -off Network Exclusive Specialty

Text | "Well -off" · China Well -off reporter Liu Yanhua

Which type of education is most concerned about by Chinese parents? The "2022 China Modern Education Development Index" survey shows that after five years, higher education has once again defeated compulsory education and appeared on the top list of "the most concerned education type of Chinese parents". 38.0%of the respondents voted to higher education, making it the most concerned type of education.

Picture Source/Meisu

The labor course was officially upgraded to an independent course in primary and secondary schools; all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) comprehensively implemented kindergartens and elementary school admission preparations and admission to adaptation education, slowing the degree of connection, helping children to achieve transition from kindergarten to elementary school; the new version of compulsory education courses; The scheme and curriculum standards are implemented; the "Finance System of Primary and Middle Schools" is officially implemented. According to regulations, schools in the compulsory education stage shall not engage in business activities ... In September, a number of new education policies will be implemented one after another.

Education is an important guarantee for the development of the cause of the party and the country. It is the foundation for achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is also the social issue that the people are most concerned about and attach great importance to the people.

2022 China Modern Education Development Index

The Chinese modern education development index has evolved from the 16 -year Chinese education well -off index of "Well -offs" magazine. Every year, the public will ask the public to evaluate all aspects of the current Chinese education development and reform. From July to August 2022, the "Well -off" magazine jointly jointly conducted a "2022 China Modern Education Development Index" survey with relevant experts and institutions. After weighted the survey results and monitoring data from relevant national departments, the "2022 China Modern Education Development Index" was 71.0 points, an increase of 1.0 points over the previous year.

China's modern education development index is mainly evaluated from five aspects: education input and policy bias, the construction and implementation of education laws and regulations, the satisfaction of the current status of education in China, the feeling of education fairness, and the average education period. This year, the construction and implementation index of education laws and regulations and systems continued to lead, with 81.4 points and 81.1 points, respectively, which were increased by 0.6 points from the previous year. The satisfaction index score is 70.4 points and 63.7 points, respectively, which are 1.1 points higher than the previous year, and there is still much room for improvement. Rising to 62.8 points, an increase of 1.3 points.

After a lapse of five years, the attention of higher education will top the list again

Preschool education, elementary education, junior high school education, high school education, higher education, special education, vocational education, continuing education, national education, which type of education is most concerned about? At the time of the year, higher education defeated compulsory education again, and reached the top list of "the most concerned education type of Chinese parents". 38.0%of the respondents voted to higher education, making it the most concerned type of education. Followed by junior high school education, another primary education, high school education ranked fourth, and vocational education ranks fifth.

Small investigation

As the highest stage of the education system, higher education is responsible for cultivating important functions of high -level talents for national economic development and socialist modernization. According to the person in charge of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, my country has built the world's largest higher education system. The total number of people in the study has reached 44.3 million. 27.8 percentage points have achieved historic leaps and higher education has entered a stage of popularization. At present, my country has received a population of higher education, and the average number of new labor force has reached 13.8 years. The labor quality structure has changed significantly, and the quality of the whole nation has steadily improved. At the same time, the Ministry of Education took the "Double Thousand Thousand Plan" of first -class majors and first -class courses. In the past 10 years, it has identified a total of 8031 ​​national and 8632 provincial first -class professional construction points, and selected the first batch of 3559 national first -class courses. The major strategic capabilities of colleges and universities have continued to increase, and more than 60%of the national science and technology awards have been obtained. More than 60%of basic research in the country and more than 80%of the National Natural Science Foundation of China are borne by colleges and universities.

At present, the overall level of higher education in my country has entered the world's first square. But there is still a big gap between the expectations and requirements of the people. The "2022 China Modern Education Development Index" survey shows that in the face of "What are the biggest issues do you think of the current higher education in Mainland China?", 45.7%of the respondents chose "lack of humanistic education, the quality of student quality became a problem. ", 36.9%of the respondents voted the votes to" Teaching and Social needs disconnected ", 35.2%of the respondents believed that" the quality of teaching was not high ", 28.5%of the respondents chose" graduate enrollment, foaming, , Bad the quality ", 27.1%of the respondents chose" difficulty in employment of college graduates ". In addition, issues such as "the quality of professors and mentors is not high", "evaluating students too much depending on scores and quantitative assessment", "exaggerated learning style and academic fraud", etc., have also attracted the attention of the respondents and reflected strongly.

"After long -term efforts, my country has achieved the historical goals of higher education powers, but in the construction of a strong education country, it still faces the real dilemma of the times." Rui Guoxing, a professor at the Marxist School of Shaanxi Normal University, believes that at the new historical stage, The modernization of higher education in my country faces the conflict between "instrumental" and "value", the running -in of "same type" and "diversity", "endogenous" and "extension". To break through the predicament of the modernization of higher education, we must expand the perspective, overcome blind acceptance, and adhere to dialectical negation. To this end, he suggested that starting from how to break through the modernization dilemma of higher education, find the ideas and methods of long -term trouble in the modernization of higher education in the new era, and make higher education move towards the four dimensions of diverse modernization, characteristic modernization, overall generation, dynamic modernization, and dynamic modernization. Coordinated development. Why is Shandong

"What do you think is the best place for Chinese primary school/junior high school/high school education?" It is the "China Education Well -off Index" survey and the "China Modern Education Development Index" survey. In 2022, the results of the investigation showed that except The ranking of traditional education highlands such as Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and other traditional education highlands is still high, and the changes are not much. Shandong's performance is extremely outstanding: the rankings of elementary education, junior high school education, and high school education are seventh, seventh, and third, respectively. In the previous year, five, seven, and six.

"Our school students produced more than 20,000 works in science and technology research, won 4,367 national patents, participated in more than 1,370 people at all levels of provinces and cities, and won the World Robot Contest Championship and runner -up ..." For Shandong Education, Shandong Education After changing, the teachers and students of Licheng No. 2 Middle School in Jinan City, Shandong Province were deeply touched. Recently, the school's comprehensive practice discipline base was rated as the first batch of ordinary high school discipline bases in Shandong. In contrast, there are a number of ordinary high schools such as Gao Mi No. 1 Middle School and Rongcheng No. 2 Middle School. This is also a side shadow of Shandong's discouraged high school homogeneous development in high school homogeneity, opening high school characteristics, and promoting ordinary high school development in the county.

There are 682 ordinary high schools in Shandong Province, with 1.7598 million students, including 345 high schools in the county, 1.026 million students in schools, with an average scales of 2975. Both the number of schools and the number of students in the county support the "half of the country" of ordinary high school education in the province. Comprehensively implement the advanced enrollment and territorial enrollment policies of the Civil Affairs Office, strictly restrict the cross -market enrollment behavior of private high schools; prohibit the holding of key schools and key classes, and delineate the "bottom line" and "red line" for oversized large -scale schools. High school construction projects have strengthened the guarantee of ordinary high school running schools in the county ... In recent years, Shandong has closely grasped key factors such as promoting the balance of students' balance, reasonable planning layout, and clarifying school running standards, accelerating the development of ordinary high schools in the county, and improving the quality of schools in high schools in the county. There is a way to promote the development of the county.

Not only high school education, the progress of Shandong compulsory education is also available.

In order to firmly education fairness, Shandong realized that all students of poor families who set up the files and the poor families of the poverty -stricken families were re -school. Children and children with disabilities and children of disabled were free for 15 years. The "dual reduction" policy was stable, and the operating time control and after -school service development standards were 100%, and 15,000 out -of -school training institutions were reduced, with a pressure reduction rate of 96.16%.

In order to make education funding management more pragmatic and efficient, Shandong has improved and improved the student funding policy system. In the past ten years The construction of innovation experience has been promoted nationwide.

In order to promote the deepening of the reform of education evaluation, Shandong took education evaluation reform as the general traction, and the provincial and municipal two levels were abolished or revised with 603 documents that were inconsistent with the spirit of deepening the reform of the new era of education evaluation.

Fair, fair, or fair

In the "2022 China Modern Education Development Index" survey, the interviewees also evaluated some of the current educational policies and phenomena. Educating children, the five major educational philosophy people upholds are "respecting children's choices", "growing with children", "make children happy", "treat children equally", "to make children outstanding." The most annoying student behavior is "self -centered, do not know how to respect others", "becoming a learning tool, nothing except the exam content", "unreasonable", "cannot think independently, blindly obey". The most annoying teacher behavior is "favoritism, unfairness", "regardless of students, blindness, and incompetence", "invasion of students' labor achievements", "requiring students and parents to send money and feast."

Among the nearly 30 educational issues involving all aspects of education in the park, school selection, student burden reduction, and teacher treatment, what are the most concerned about Chinese parents this year? The survey shows that the top five are teachers. Quality, quality of education, fair education, employment issues of college students, and "dual reduction" policies landed.

Small investigation

Education evaluation is the direction of the development of education. Regarding the current basic education evaluation of my country, the "2022 China Modern Education Development Index" survey shows that 40.2%of the respondents believe that in terms of evaluation content, they still focus on subject knowledge, especially in textbook knowledge, and ignore the practice practice practice. Comprehensive qualities such as abilities, innovation spirit; 19.5%of the respondents reported that in terms of evaluation standards, they still emphasize too much commonality and ignore individual differences and personalized development. Traditional paper and pen tests are mainly based on the scores, and they rarely use quality evaluation methods; 13.8%of the respondents bluntly stated that they still pay too much attention to the results of the evaluation. Without the degree of effort, there is no formation of formality evaluation in the true sense, and the function of evaluating and promoting development cannot be played well; 8.1%of the respondents believe that in terms of evaluation subjects, those who are evaluated are still in negatively evaluated positions. There is no evaluation mode for multiple subjects to participate. To this end, 57.0%of the respondents suggested to increase the learning and assessment of students' knowledge conversion ability, 27.4%of the respondents hoped to increase their creativity and assessment. 8.9%of the respondents believed that they should increase students to students The evaluation of specialties, and 6.7%of the respondents hoped to increase social practice assessment.

In addition, the survey also showed that over 60%of the respondents believed that the comprehensive reform of the comprehensive education reform that my country had actively promoted the comprehensive reform of education, but 58.7%of the respondents believed that "the educational resources were not distributed, between urban and rural areas, between regions, schools of schools, and schools of schools. "Big gap" is still the biggest problem in Chinese compulsory education. Over 50 % of the respondents believe that the balance of compulsory education is urgently needed to do "fiscal investment towards rural areas to achieve equilibrium from the source of funding support" and "strengthen the flow of teachers between cities and rural areas to promote the balance of teachers' capital balance "".

("Well -off" · China Well -off Exclusive Draft)

This article was published in "Well -off" in early September 2022

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