Shenzhen Longgang students return to school to see the parent's emoticon package "Illustrated Book"!

Author:Longgang Rong Media Time:2022.09.15

September 15th

Students from Longgang District, Shenzhen have returned to school one after another

Many parents are very happy

Let's take a look at the reactions of parents

At 8 am, the reporter saw in Qinglin Primary School in Longgang District that children came to school with their parents. Parents sort out their schoolbags for their children, and told them to wear masks and wash their hands frequently.

Parents use cameras to record their children's growth time.

"The beast finally returned, and I was very excited." Ms. He said. In addition, many parents took a group photo with their children at the school gate, and recorded the precious moments of their children's growth. "I hope children can grow up healthy and happy." Parents said.

Copyright statement: Original Longgang Rong Media, please indicate the source for reprinting.

Edit: Zhong Simin He Su

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