Scripture Society theory | The college entrance examination bonus points to do more after "slimming"

Author:Economic Observer Time:2022.09.16

The Economic Observation News Clear theory clearly cancels the five national college entrance examination bonus projects of sports special students, middle school students Olympic competitions, science and technology competitions, provincial outstanding students, and ideological morals. On the 15th, the Ministry of Education held a press conference to introduce the results of the reform of the examination and enrollment system. Clean up the bonus points of the college entrance examination and become one of the topics of public discussion.

According to reports, in 2015 and 2019, the Ministry of Education, together with relevant departments, carried out two rounds of cleanup and standardized college entrance examinations in accordance with the principles of "promoting fairness, standardizing management, and scientific accuracy" to achieve "significant reduction and strict control". The goal. The above -mentioned five types of national college entrance examination bonus projects are rewarded. The original intention was to solve the problem of "scoring theory". However, in the process of practice, various places have their own politics in the extra points projects, with a large number of names and different scores, and serious damage is fair. On the other hand, the existence of these extra points also allows some parents and children to blindly participate in competition. Instead, it will damage the comprehensive development of students and exacerbate educational anxiety. As a result, the cancellation is inevitable.

The Ministry of Education also proposed that "in conjunction with relevant departments to promote ethnic minorities to add points more accurately." This is a policy adopted by considering the relatively backward education development of ethnic minority regions and to make up for the fairness of the starting point. However, there are also insufficient problems in the implementation process, and there is a phenomenon of fraud. Therefore, further optimization is reasonable.

Of course, we believe that after the bonusted "weight loss", the examination enrollment system still needs to face the question of how to select talents scientifically.

In reality, the "strong base plan" and comprehensive evaluation multiple admission models are to solve the exploration of scientific selection problems. The "strong base plan" has changed the approach of the original independent enrollment "reduction of scores and admission", canceled the requirements of the competition certificate, thesis, patent, etc. as the requirements for the assessment of colleges and universities. In 85%, the candidates' college entrance examination results, the results of the comprehensive assessment of colleges and universities, and the evaluation of comprehensive quality were discounted into comprehensive results, and the best admission was selected to reflect a more comprehensive evaluation of students.

The "Trinity" comprehensive evaluation enrollment implemented by Zhejiang is the three results of the academic level examination results, college entrance examination results and comprehensive test results of the school. This enrollment method has given colleges and universities more enrollment autonomy, which helps colleges and universities to select and excavate students with potential.

In terms of selection, science and fairness always require two value orientations that need to be balanced. Practice has proved that only by improving the regulatory system and improving the social integrity system, under the premise of ensuring fairness, it will give colleges and universities more enrollment autonomy, and autonomy will not be "hot" and reform can be smoothly advanced.

In addition, with the development of socioeconomic and economic balance, it has gradually reduced the extra points of ethnic minorities and reduced bonus points, which has become a major trend. For example, Guizhou Province has clearly adjusted the college entrance examinations and cancel the extra points of the ethnic minorities from 2022 from the 2022 college entrance examination. Hunan Province has required that starting from the college entrance examination in 2023, the qualification conditions for candidates to apply for the extraordinary policy of ethnic minorities to implement the triple identification of household registration, student status, and actual period of study ("three unification") to achieve more accurate points.

As a kind of compensation fair, the Ministry of Education continues to implement the enrollment collaboration plan in the central and western regions, and specifically arrange some places to increase some places from the national enrollment plan to the central and western regions and the provinces of candidates. Continue to implement special programs for students in rural and poor areas, and more than 950,000 students have been admitted, forming a long -term mechanism for ensuring key universities in rural and poor areas. These measures are more accurate compared to the extra points for "origin".

Of course, whether it is a minority bonus policy or a special enrollment plan, it belongs to a fair scope. In this regard, through the gap between the area and urban and rural areas, the high -quality and balanced development of basic education is more important to work fair at the starting point and fair process.

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