The Ministry of Education convened the 2022 Ministry of the Ministry of Provincial and Provincial Cooperation Work Conference: Comprehensively promoted the development of the Ministry of Ministry of the Ministry of Provincial and Provincial Construction to accelerate the revitalization of higher edu

Author:Educational education Time:2022.09.17

On September 16, the Ministry of Education held a 2022 -Ministry of Provincial and Provincial Cooperation Work Conference to summarize the work of the past five years, analyze the situation and tasks, and comprehensively promote the depth of the joint construction of the Ministry of Ministry and province. Huai Jinpeng, secretary of the party group and minister of the Ministry of Education, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Fuming, deputy governor of the Shanxi Provincial People's Government, Yang Zhiwen, deputy governor of the People's Government of Qinghai Province, and Liu Su Club, vice chairman of the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region attended the meeting and spoke. Sun Yao, a member of the party group and deputy minister of the Ministry of Education, chaired the meeting. Look with education ———

Huai Jinpeng pointed out that in the past five years, the Ministry of Education has closely contacted local governments in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance, continuously strengthening the allocation of policy resources, vigorously promoting the provincial and provincial work, effectively improving the ability of universities to run universities and education quality, and effectively serving localities to serve places. Industrial development and student growth have achieved satisfactory results, and have become a typical symbol of the revitalization of higher education in the central and western regions. Practice has proved that the joint construction of the ministerial and provincial construction is the innovation, model innovation, and path innovation of higher education governance, which is of great significance for promoting the reform and development of higher education in the new era and accelerating the revitalization of higher education in the central and western regions.

Huai Jinpeng emphasized that at present, the joint construction of the ministry and province faces new opportunities and challenges, and we must focus on consolidating the foundation, complementing shortcomings, focusing on key, strengthening advantages, achieving breakthroughs in the change of consciousness and response. Quality connotation characteristic development.

First, we must anchor the construction goals and last for a long time. Pay close attention to the "Opinions on Deepening the High -quality Development of the Ministry of Advanced and Promoting the Ministry of Advanced the Ministry of Provincial Construction Work", grasp the implementation of implementation, further stimulate the development vitality and endogenous motivation of joint universities, and enhance the strength of school running and social influence.

Second, we must clarify the positioning and accelerate the transformation and development. It is necessary to focus on the long -term development of the national science and technology, consider the actual needs of industrial development, and continuously strengthen talent training and innovation capabilities.

Third, it is necessary to highlight the advantages and characteristics and cultivate first -class results. It is necessary to be good at combining the development trend of local resource research and judgment, effectively transform the advantages of resources into discipline advantages, and promote the breakthroughs in joint universities.

Fourth, we must build a major platform and consolidate the foundation of development. Concentrated strength, focus on focus, improve the ability of original innovation and application innovation, and transform discipline advantages, large facilities and large platform innovation achievements into service regional development capabilities.

Fifth, we must further connect the industry and improve the effectiveness of service. Improve the accuracy and effectiveness of the docking industry, form a talent chain, education chain, and better connect the industrial chain and supply chain.

Huai Jinpeng pointed out that the joint construction of the ministry to highlight the institutional advantages must adhere to the short -term supplement, continue to increase policy support, and optimize the work pattern and effect of comprehensive and in -depth co -construction in multi -party linkage. We must adhere to the promotion of construction, further optimize the provincial capital business mechanism, and tap the potential of counterpart colleges. We must adhere to the theory first and continue to expand the depth of investigation and research. We must persist in expanding the impact and continue to highlight the brightness of the work. We must adhere to safe development and continue to strengthen maintenance and stability.

The Social Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Finance and Education and Culture of the Ministry of Finance, Yunnan University, Nanchang University, Zhengzhou University, Wuhan University, Lanzhou University, and East China University of Technology attended the meeting and spoke.

Photography | Zhang Jinsong

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