The large -scale engineering in the fall semester of 2022 students return to school to report to the work deployment meeting

Author:Dalian University of Technolog Time:2022.09.21


In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education and Liaoning Province and Dalian on the start of school in the fall semester of 2022 and the prevention and control of the epidemic, in order to ensure that students return to the school safely, on the afternoon of September 20, the large engineer held in the report hall on the second floor of the main building to hold the 2022 autumn semester of students in the 2022 semester. Return to school to report to work deployment meeting. Xiang Changle, Secretary of the School Party Committee, attended the meeting and made a request that the principal Guo Dongming presided over the meeting. The leaders of the Great Engineering, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Assistant to Presidents, Deputy Public Accountants, and the heads of various functional departments of the organs, and the heads of direct affiliated units.

Xiang Changle said that the students' return to school is difficult and tasks. They must carefully understand the work plan and strictly implement the relevant work to ensure that the prevention and control measures are solid and effective. He pointed out that one is to do all the work with enthusiastic and cordial services, and strive to improve the initial experience of freshmen in a special period to allow students to experience more humanistic care. The second is to do a good job of returning to the school and the service guarantee work of the buffer period to ensure that the staff on the school are prepared, the preparation of epidemic prevention and living materials, and the preparation of emergency plans. Third, leading cadres at all levels of schools should lead by example and charge, and all units and departments of the school must be concentric to achieve their minds, personnel in place, guarantee, and responsibility. Work to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Guo Dongming emphasized that it is necessary to deeply recognize the significance of students' return to school and the significance of the prevention and control of the campus epidemic and the arduous responsibilities. It is necessary to further improve the political standing, and the leading cadres of the school actively take the initiative to perform their duties and work hard. It is necessary to further enhance the guidance of teachers and students, do a good job of ideological work of teachers and students, and consolidate the hard -resistant resistance of teachers and students. It is necessary to further strengthen student service guarantee, actively understand the needs of students, and improve the level of service guarantee. It is necessary to further implement the tasks and requirements of the relevant planning related schemes, make every effort to prevent and control and stability of the campus epidemic, ensure that students return to school smoothly, safely, and healthy to return to school, and restore the normal education and teaching order as soon as possible.

Zhang Yanjun, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president, introduced the "New Student Reporting and Returning to the School of School of Freshmen in the Autumn of 2022".

News source: Dalian Polytechnic News Network

Edit: Ji Ying Ce

School pair: Li Yixun

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