128 self -made teaching aids won awards!Guangzhou Kindergarten Excellent Self -made Teaching Aid Exhibition Review

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.09.22

Text, Figure/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Jiang Yan Correspondent Yuan Zhanhao

On September 17, the 2022 Guangzhou Kindergarten's Outstanding Self -made Teaching Aid Exhibition Evaluation was successfully held by the Guangzhou Education Bureau, the Guangzhou Education Infrastructure and Equipment Center, and the Guangzhou Education Research Institute. .

Player online display works

This year's participating works are rich and diverse, covering science, puzzle, construction, sports, art, comprehensive and other categories. More than 300 kindergartens in the city have declared more than 1,000 teaching aid works, and 413 works are shortlisted for municipal events. The final evaluation of the event adopts the form of "player online display, expert offline review", and formulates a standardized and quantitative evaluation standard. A total of 21 first prizes, 36 second prizes, and 71 third prizes. The expert group agreed that participating works are simple, novel, environmentally friendly, educational and interesting, reflect the cultural characteristics of Guangzhou, and fully demonstrate the innovative spirit and education equipment application ability of Guangzhou children's teachers.

Holding the exhibition and evaluation of the outstanding self -made teaching aids in Guangzhou Kindergarten is a powerful measure to implement the "Guangdong Province to promote the high -quality development action plan for basic education". This year, Guangzhou City has made a series of measures to comprehensively improve the quality of activities: First, wide publicity. Organize special training, cover nearly 2,000 people, and build a communication platform. The second is strict selection. Implement the four -level selection mechanism, organize the recommendation of the park, district -level selection, preliminary municipal evaluation, and final evaluation of the municipal level to ensure the selection of excellent works representing the level of Guangzhou children's teachers. The third is to polish works. The team composed of many preschool experts exerts professional forces, puts forward targeted optimization suggestions for participating works, and carefully guide the improvement of children's teachers to improve the quality of the work.

Judge site

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Editor -in -law | Wang Moyi

School pair | Zhou Yong

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