[Tianke resistance] Tianjin University of Science and Technology carried out "cleaning the bedroom, healthy resistance" dormitory sanitary cleaning work

Author:Tianjin University of Science Time:2022.09.25

Do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia in an orderly manner, grasping the work and prevention of the disease, and effectively protecting the physical health and life safety of students. Recently, Tianjin University of Science and Technology has carried out in -depth "cleaning bedrooms, healthy resistance to epidemic, "Student dormitory sanitary cleanup work. All students in the school actively responded to the school's call, united and collaborated on the ground, independent balcony, independent bathroom and other areas, and the bedding, desks, doors and windows and other facilities were fully cleaned, cleaned and disinfected, and individual items were sorted out to ensure that the dormitory environment was clean and tidy.

On the afternoon of September 25, An Yujian, deputy secretary of the school's party committee, visited the student dormitory randomly and carefully checked the development of the student dormitory's sanitary cleaning work. During the visit, An Yujian encouraged students to develop a good habit of talking about hygiene, regularly cleaning the dormitory, consciously maintaining the work of the dormitory cleaning, and creating a good and comfortable living environment for himself and the roommates. An Yujian also told students to fully attach importance to the safety and fire safety of the dormitory, and discovered that the hidden safety hazards were reported in time. An Yujian asked each college to go deep into the students' dormitory to carry out work to form a supervision mechanism for dormitory health growth.

The school will continue to take the student dormitory as an important platform for student education service management. With the three standards of safety, hygiene, and order, scientific planning, system design, and coordinated advancement will be normalized and institutionalized to the health cleaning work of the student dormitory. Students grow into a good environment.

Text Source/Xuexin Xinxin

Picture Source/Telecommunications College of Light Industry

Artificial Intelligence Institute

The editor/Guanwei Operation Center Fang Ruojing

Editor -in -chief/Guanwei Operation Center Zhao Boying Cui Yue

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