[Yu Nan Excellent Teacher Style] Xie Yu of the Outstanding Class Teacher: There are no categories of benevolence

Author:Yunan County Rong Media Center Time:2022.09.26

There is a kind of teacher that may not have the possibility of "Tao Li Man in the world". They work hard and dedicate silently, and they cannot be proportional to the return and efforts. They are the teachers who insist on on the road of special education. Xie Yu, the teacher of the Special Education School of Yunan County, is one of them.

In 2017, Xie Yu, who served as the class teacher, stepped into the door of the class with blood, although he had repeatedly thought clearly before deciding to be transferred, but the scene in front of him still made Teacher Xie start to worry. The students in the class were special children in special children in the class. Some of their eyes are dull, some dancing screams, some do not listen to instructions in the class, but she has not retreated, and continues to devote himself to education and teaching with a high degree of career and strong responsibility. Based on the experience of the class teacher in the past ten years, she gradually found the appropriate education method.

Xie Yu, teacher of Yunan County Special Education School

My classmate Xiaocheng is a child with autism. He often lives in his world and does not communicate with others. He often has self -attack. So I summarized some methods from daily education and teaching to correct him. I insisted on communicating with him in a good way every day. At first, he was unwilling to ask the teacher well. Now he can say that he is good at teachers and teachers.

Faced with these children's children and stars, teachers of special education often need to pay more effort. In order to communicate with some students in the class, Teacher Xie also learned sign language. , Detailed understanding of various diseases of special children in order to formulate educational methods. Teacher Xie's hard -working colleagues also looked at it, learned her spirit, and worked hard to make special education more up to the next level.

Teacher Lin Shanshan, Teacher of Yunan County Special Education School

Teacher Xie Yu is a very good teacher with love, patience, and perseverance. She never gives up any student. She always uses a tolerance to accept the defects of every special child and give them enough confidence Help them grow up healthily and happy.

Teacher Xie Yu, who was standing on the podium, used her love and responsibility to pour the "small saplings" below. With her broad mind, she accepted every student and nourished every child with a kind mother -like love. The heart field. This year's Teacher's Day, Xie Yu won the title of "2022 Outstanding Class Teacher" in Yu Nan County. She said that in the future, she will continue to work hard in ordinary and extraordinary posts and make her due contribution to special education!

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