Implementation of the Action Plan for the Development and Promotion of Special Education for the Fourteenth Five -Year Plan of the Corps "

Author:Corps Daily Time:2022.09.26

Implementation of the Action Plan for the Development and Promotion of Special Education for the Fourteenth Five -Year Plan of the Corps "

The enrollment rate of compulsory education for children with disabilities will reach more than 97%

Urumqi, (Xu Tongtong, a reporter from all -media) Recently, the "Fourteenth Five -Year" Special Education Development and Promotion Action Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") was issued and implemented.

The "Plan" proposes that by 2025, the enrollment rate of compulsory education for children with disabilities for disabled children in the Corps will reach more than 97%, and the enrollment rate of children with disabilities will reach 90%. The opportunities for disabled students to accept high school and higher education will significantly increase. Students' employment and entrepreneurship capacity is significantly enhanced.

The "Plan" emphasizes that further improves the special educational work pattern of government -led, departmental coordination, and participation in all parties, establish a special education service guarantee mechanism of financial, social support, comprehensive coverage, and convenient and convenient, and gradually improves the level of protection for special education funds; Construct a special education system for reasonable layout, combination of medical and teaching, and semester, general education, vocational education, medical rehabilitation, information technology and special education to further integrate, so that every disabled child and disabled young people with learning ability can accept the appropriateness Education; the construction of the teacher team has been further strengthened, the professional level has been further improved, and the guarantee guarantee is continuously improved; the education model is more diverse, the curriculum teaching reform continues to deepen, and the special education quality evaluation system is basically established.

The "Plan" proposes that all departments at all levels of the Corps should incorporate the development and improvement of special education into the important agenda, adhere to the special education office, focus on support, make overall arrangements for funds, and effectively allocate resources to ensure that all goals and tasks are implemented; The reform and development of special education is an important part of the evaluation of education responsibilities and the high -quality and balanced development supervision and evaluation of compulsory education, and establish an incentive and accountability mechanism to ensure the effective implementation of the development of special education development and improvement.

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