Build a beautiful geese tower | "I am a small dentist" professional experience love tooth care, tooth care, from childhood

Author:Yanta Rong Media Time:2022.09.26

Recently, the Chongye Community on Xiaozhai Road Street organized a popular science activity of "Welcome to the 20th Popular Science to the Future". Early in the morning, the Chongye Community Shuxiang Pavilion came with a group of lively and lovely children. They happily surrounded the little white rabbit dolls, touched the rabbit's face, and then slapped the rabbit's ears. like. Under the guidance of community workers, the children were replaced in an orderly manner and changed their clothes to prepare for "duty".

"We invited professional dentists to popularize oral health knowledge, guide children to develop good habits, pay attention to teeth health, and master the correct way to brush their teeth. At the same time, we also hope to use weekend time to promote parent -child emotional training and communication between residents. "Community secretary Hou Yanping said.

During the event, Mr. Xiao Wei from the little white rabbit's oral clinic used vivid language and manga courseware that children liked to let parents understand the characteristics of children's teeth structure, the characteristics of oral diseases such as dental caries and deciduous teeth, and their prevention and treatment of treatment. method. Through the demonstration performance of the small guards of oral hygiene, help children master the correct use of teeth and skills, so that children can understand their meaning in entertainment.

Before the course, the teacher taught everyone to sing a brushing song: "Small toothbrush, take it in our hands, let's brush your teeth together, brush the upper teeth down, and brush the lower teeth up ..." This event not only improved the children’s The awareness of love tooth care also evokes the attention of parents' oral health care, creating a good social atmosphere of oral health care.

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