100 million+works frequently!Ten 10 million yuan in annual creation!How to practice "True Kung Fu" in Rong Media Studio?

Author:Media Tea Club Time:2022.08.31

Author | Ge Chang

Guangdong Tairong Media Studio built a Rong media product with a view of 100 million+in four days, which created an annual income of more than 20 million yuan.

Why can the "small body" of more than a dozen individual studios release "large energy"? How did their "real kung fu" practice? What suggestions and help can be provided for other media development studios?

Recently, Zheng Minxuan, editor -in -chief of Guangdong Internet Radio and Television, editor -in -chief of Guangdong Internet Radio and Television, deputy director of Guangdong Radio and Television Television Firing Media Center, editor -in -chief of electric shock news, Liu Chengyu, deputy director of Suzhou Radio and Television Cultural Industry Center, and Zhang Zhiyi , Discuss the development strategy of Rong Media Studio.

Why can "small body" have "big energy"?

According to the "2021 China Media Market Trends" released by the "CCTV Market Research", the country only has established more than 300 financing media studios for radio and television media alone.

The studio system is becoming the standard and important production link of the media.

Why are the studios of only a dozen individuals favored by the media? How can it be resistant?

After all, it is mainly because the studio system itself has three major genes: flexible, professional, and diverse.

"Flexible" refers to the studio system compared to traditional media, which is more flexible and adaptable in terms of employment, creative mode, and expression. It is like a "dagger", piercing the obstacles of the backward system and mechanism, which improves the team's autonomy and energy.

Beginning in March 2018, Tianjin Jinyun New Media Group broke through the restraint of the selection mechanism and held many "roadshow" recruitment studios. As long as talents and ideas can sign up to become the studio Leader, and form a team to participate in the "roadshow". Compared with the selection model of traditional media on the ranking of the debut, the "roadshow" model is more flexible and concise, attracting various "ghost talents" to come to vote, and a lot of interesting and expected studios.

In the "roadshow" at the end of 2018, the "Shouxi Pot" studio formed by eight Tianjin college directors of college students stood out. They are bold and flexible in their creative methods. They use new methods such as singing and jumping rap, playing "stalks", and unique and calm analysis of hot events, making netizens shout "enjoyable".

During the "Two Sessions" in 2019, they co -created the short video of the "Two Sessions" and the "Answers to the" Two Sessions "". Different from the "manuscript" of some traditional government reports, the show is stiffly expressed. The program uses thumb drama and combines the language of the comic dialogue. There is "Tianjin Weier", which is well received.

"Professional" is reflected in the specialized and vertical production and management model established by the studio through the establishment of professional talents and mastering professional technology.

Compared with the "brick -moving" management of some traditional media -regardless of whether the employee is professional or not, treat him as a "brick", where to "move", Tianjin Jinyun New Media Group's more than 60 mellow media studios, Manage and operate in strict accordance with the standards and vertical standards.

French Tianjin Studio is composed of professional lawyers and director of the rule of law program. They used case evaluation and rule of law scenario drama to show everyone. They were invited to open columns by the "Learning Power" platform, and a single playback volume of multiple works exceeded 3 million.

"Diversity" means that the studio cannot be limited to creating a single text or video achievement, but to do the "multi -faceted hands" of graphics, audio and video, dynamic interaction, and virtual reality.

When some traditional media are still sleepy in a single production method, they will not use new media to show their results, resulting in "the fish that is done with your heart will not eat and taste it."

In 2021, Guangdong Network Radio and Television established the "All -Media Creative Studio", which aims to coordinate and link the production sites of Guangdong Taiwan, and use the entire network channel resources to focus on the development of online live broadcasts, micro -documentary, animation, MV, strip, poster, emoticon packages When new media products, accumulate "content ammunition" to achieve more fish.

Give full play to "big energy" to practice "real kung fu" from the inside out

There are talents. Although the studio has excellent fusion genes, it is only possible to master the "real kung fu" and exert "great energy" by hard work and hard work.

First of all, what is the "real kung fu" of the studio?

"True" is in the effect, the media's social and economic benefits double harvest; "true" is innovating, the management of media management, content forms, and communication models must keep pace with the times; "true" in ability, media influence and the influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and media influence and the influence of the media The service power is prominent, and it continues to export publicity and service products.

The media such as Guangdong Taiwan and Tianjin Jinyun New Media Group used their own experience to answer the key question of "how the studio practiced 'True Kung Fu" ".

1. Practice "Kung Fu Base" internally

As the saying goes, "If you want to play the style, you can't do it without a kung fu."

The same is true of Rong Media Studio. You need to practice the following "kung fu foundations".

The first is "institutional foundation". The irregularities are not round. The "Clippers" of Rong Media Studio is fast and stable. It must be a good "institutional foundation" to formulate and implement the suitable studio system.

Taking Guangdong Taiwan as an example, the current studio system is mainly reflected in two protection mechanisms and one incentive mechanism.

The first is the protection period of entrepreneurship, providing the support period for the studio for three years, and providing venues, equipment and entrepreneurial funding support during the protection period. Solving the worries of talents; the third is the incentive mechanism, the implementation of the project's incremental performance implementation measures, replacing KPI with the incubation period, and encouraging internal innovation and entrepreneurship. Fourth, in -depth cooperation with subsidiaries in the Taiwan subsidiaries, supporting new media operators support, and realizing the gear matching of the talents of Guangdong and electrical media. Zheng Minxuan said: "Under these clear systems, many backbones of joining the studio can be used alone and become the head of various core business teams."

The second is "brand thinking foundation". If the foundation foundation provides a suitable soil for the studio, is there any brand thinking foundation that affects it, is it flat or gorgeous?

At the beginning of the establishment of the "Suzhou Daily", the "sentiment Suzhou" studio set the goal of creating a "emotional Suzhou" creative brand. In 2012, the "Initiative Suzhou" tourist pocket book was recommended by the "Love in Suzhou" as the main guest, and it appeared in the London Book Fair in the United Kingdom, causing a sensation. In the book, the love story of Tang Bohu and Qiu Xiang brought the charming Jiangnan style of China to the exhibition site. Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges held in Portland, Paris, France, Paris, France, and Paris are well received.

In 2013, Suzhou Studio produced Suzhou's first official city image micro -film "Suzhou Love Letter". Under the guidance of brand thinking, the film uses two staggered emotional stories, combining Suzhou natural landscapes to show Suzhou's local customs.

The third is the "professional ability foundation". The planning that does not talk about execution is a hooligan. At the end of the studio, the studio still has to fall into the execution.

In the aspect of the professional ability, Zhang Zhiyi shared: "In response to traditional media people's ability to panic in short video shooting, Internet communication, etc., we use the 'studio+' model to make a bridge for its studio and let new new and new. Talents such as media operations and content production are flowing, accelerating the cultivation of the full media person who can write a pen that can write, talk about mirrors, and use functions. "

In addition, Jinyun also conducts extensive training for new media technical training and conducts offline exchanges many times, such as inviting Xinhuanet and CCTV creative departments to teach the main creators of the studio.

2. Fight up and cooperate out

Anyone who has watched "Changjin Lake" knows that the seventh intersection can be flexibly moved in dozens of times of their own enemy forces.

The same tactics are also applicable to Rong Media Studio.

When Zheng Minxuan shared the fusion experience: "Although Electric News APP is independent from the Guangdong Taiwan Television Rong Media Center for corporate operation, it is not related to Tauri. On the contrary Media technology development, platform operations, full case service capabilities are combined with Gear -shaped in terms of content production, guidance, government affairs, and government affairs resources to complement each other. "

The combination of gear -shaped combination has strong practicality in actual combat.

For example, on New Year's Day in 2021, Guangdong Internet Radio and Television Railway Media Creative Studio jointly linked electric shock news in the Taiwan, jointly produced with WeChat outside, and jointly launched the 17 -hour uninterrupted large -scale melting media live broadcast "Chasing Light" with the Communist Youth League Central Committee. Radio and television station Rong Media Creative Studio is responsible for presidential planning, general planning, and linkage of various production points and release platforms. Electric shock media are responsible for broadcast more than 30 sunrise victories from the three perspectives of sea, land and air. The "Guangdong Terrace Electric Press News" video number immediately became the most popular account on the day. Watching volume set a new record since the live broadcast function was opened. The number of broadcasts on the entire network is nearly 8 million, which has become a phenomenal case of mainstream media melting media.

It is not enough to combine the gear shape alone, and the studio must be combined.

Guangdong Taiwan Television Rong Media Center has created three types of financing media studios: personal original studios (vertical), service studios and platform studios. Three types of studios cooperate together to jointly create explosive products.

In an exclusive interview with Zhong Nanshan, the three cooperation broke out of huge energy.

In 2020, when reporting the epidemic in Guangzhou's new crown pneumonia, the runner of the Health Studio took the opportunity to interview Zhong Nanshan exclusively. But this runner's reporter is almost retiring, and the new media products seem a bit difficult. What should I do?

The solution given by Guangdong Taiwan is to support technical support through service -based media innovation application studios and video studios. While interviewing Zhong Nanshan, the runner's colleague who raised the media innovation application studio returned the material back to the stage through 5G. "The matrix number of the entire network is released, and the number of clicks has reached 31 million.

3. Enhance the realization ability to enhance vitality

Studies that do not talk about economic benefits are "hooligans". In addition to social benefits, the "real kung fu" of the studio is also reflected in economic benefits.

In the years of work experience of Liu Chengyu, deputy director of the Suzhou Cultural Industry Center, two consecutive years of experience in Suzhou Radio and Television's "Media Night" event is worth sharing.

In the "Media Night" of Suzhou Radio and Television in 2021, Maker Studio cooperated with cultural and creative studios to organically combine food culture and Jiangnan style to launch explosive products such as "Biluochun Beer" and "Boot Building Ice Cream". The overall event of the media created a million yuan. On weekdays, Maker Studio has shaped the "catering+city+service" IP, and has cooperated with the government and enterprises to create a city food exhibition hall and carry out food festivals. The combination of online and offline shows that the guests of Jiangnan food culture, providing food recommendations, dishes teaching and other services for the guests, and the studio earn more than 10 million yuan.

Three "Kung Fu Secrets", are you sure not to learn?

So what are the practical integration media studios cultivation and guide the studio to avoid the "kung fu secrets" of misunderstanding?

1. Do a good job of hand -made projects

When talking about what practical suggestions can help the media walking the studio, Zheng Minxuan said categorically: "The media integration must be grasped in person."

In many years of work, Zheng Minxuan found that whether it is Guangdong or Southern Newspaper, the construction of the studio is a leading project. It fully mobilizes all the people's property in order to concentrate the energy and fully release the vitality and do this.

In 2019, the Guangdong Taiwan Television Merchants Center carried out reforms. The leaders of the first leader went to the battlefield in person. Formulate the remuneration distribution method of meling the studio, coordinate talent deployment, and draw the performance of the studio for the studio from the overall performance plate, which solves many practical problems.

The one -handed project not only allows the studio system to be established smoother, but also eats "Xinxin Pills" for employees participating in construction, which is conducive to forming a working atmosphere of "rolling up the sleeves and cheering" and speeding up the pace of progress.

2. Let the data "speak" and seize the interest of the audience to determine the studio tone

In the "Two -foot" game at the Fun Games, most wrestling is due to inconsistent pace.

The same is true of the studio, many "wrestling" because members did not find a unified tone.

For example, some studios specializing in current political content, co -sponsored by journalists from traditional media and editors from new media, traditional media reporters and new media editors have no unified opinion on the style of the same work, which may lead to the adjustment of the work. Inconsistent, affecting readers' experience.

Jinyun's suggestion is to "let the data speak", establish an evaluation system based on reading and interaction, etc., helping the studio to find out the audience's attention and interest points, and then with the attention and interest of the audience. Reduce contradictions, consolidate team consensus, and find the tone of the studio.

3. Don't stare at KPI, try to replace with the incubation effect

The KPI is suspended instead of the incubation period. Guangdong Tairong Media Studio gave a new way of assessment.

Zheng Minxuan said: "We do not have a hard KPI assessment in the studio in the studio, and replace it with the incubation period. See what results the studio can incubate. In the process Effect and economic benefits thinking dimension.

There are three types of studios: personal original, service, and platform categories in Guangdong. Due to different positioning, they have their own focus in the direction of incubation.

For example, a personal original studio hatchs many explosive IPs or Internet celebrities. For example, "Zeng Xiaoqiang Studio" takes view output and knowledge production as its own responsibility. The two explosive IPs of the "Pearl River Review" and the "Xiaoqiang Fast Comment" of the large screen and the small screen end. As of now, the entire network fans exceed 9 million, with an average of 1.5 fast -evaluating video works per day. There are more than 100 million players on the entire network.

Service studio focuses on solving the problem of public demand for the production of media integration, so that products can be more adapted to the experience of watching the media. There are many talents who can make video production, aerial photography, and understand big data. For example, "video studio" has cultivated more than ten talents such as "special effects old mage" and "super flying hands". Some of these people enter other studios to effectively solve the shortcomings of video. Some are left to undertake the news blockbuster and boutique reporting films through the studio, and collect more than 20 million yuan for Taiwan each year.

Different from the first two categories, the platform studio takes the explosive IP as the core, and undertakes the task of interacting and operating the communication matrix of large and small screens. Among the 8 "Million+" media numbers in the Guangdong TV Relief Media Center, 6 are the results of platform studios. For example, the livelihood news program "Following Today", which was originally on the big screen, was operated by the official jitter, and fans exceeded 20 million. They ranked first in the Guangdong Provincial Government Media Number. Two million+explosive videos.

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