"Singing", "grounding gas", "reserved" | Shanxi's "demand customization" cultural aid model has achieved remarkable results

Author:Taiyuan Culture and Tourism Bu Time:2022.09.01

Top 100 artists entering Xinjiang Crimination, Hundreds (Ministry) Literary and Art Works, grass -roots exhibitions, hundreds of aid reporting results exhibitions, hundreds of calligraphy and calligraphy works entered Xinjiang Tour ...

From the San Jin Dynasty to the foot of Tianshan, the "Jinjiang Family" cultural aid series of Cultural aid activities that Shanxi Province continued to carry out the Shanxi literary and artistic boutiques to the people of Xinjiang's home and fields, which not only enriched the local people's The spiritual and cultural life, sending the warmth of the party to millions of households, even set up a bridge between the people of all ethnic groups in Jinjiang.

From infrastructure aid to the exhibition of boutique drama, from non -heritage exhibitions to cultural talent training, from cultural exchanges to the development of the cultural tourism industry, Shanxi Province sings the main theme of cultural moisturizing the cultural and moisturizing theme from multiple angles, multi -directional, and multi -level. New model of cultural aid.

Persist in coordinated planning, make articles on "singing", and strive to build "the community of the two parties does not distinguish between you and me"

▲ On the Lotus Festival of the Sixth Division, the Flower Flower Festival and the non -heritage culture Weekly Shanxi African Heritage Team Performance Program

From June 24th to July 6th this year, the "light cavalry" literary performances of Shanxi Culture Aid Xinjiang in 2022 went deep into the sixth division and five schools and Fukang City units in Changji Prefecture to carry out a total of 75 literary performances. "People say that Shanxi Good Scenery", "Peach Blossom Red Apricot White", "Big Red Rooster Hats Legs" and other female voices solo, singing a strong Shanxi style; "Turpan's grapes are familiar", "Beautiful grassland My Home", "Fighting Ethnic songs such as Singing Singing "Singing Singing Singing Singing" Shanxi singers are sung by the Shanxi singer, expressing the love of the Sanjin artist for Da Mei Xinjiang.

▲ In 2022, Shanxi African hers "strong Jinjiang's love north and south hearts" six -entry event entered the third division of Tumukuk City Show

It is understood that in 2019, Shanxi launched the "Top Ten Actions" and "Five Hundred" series of activities of cultural aid in Xinjiang in 2019. When he entered Xinjiang, Shanxi's "Literary and Art Cavalry" was deeply reinforced by more than 200 company teams and community tour, with more than 120,000 audiences.

In recent years, Shanxi has accurately grasped the cultural needs of various reinforcements in Xinjiang and continued to upgrade customized culture. The large -scale drama "Life Like a Song" tailored by the Shanxi Dialect Theater as the sixth division of the Corps is the first aid theme drama in Xinjiang. It has pushed the spirit of the Corps and Shanxi elements to the country. ) 44 cities have performed 357 games; the large -scale drama "Sand Jujube Tree" created by Jinjiang was successfully selected for key support projects of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

At the same time as promoting into Xinjiang, Shanxi Province has successively carried out activities such as Shanxi Xingxing and Jinjiang Painting and Calligraphy Photography Works of Xinjiang Cultural Boutique and Jinjiang Cultural and Calligraphy Photography Works. Exchange, publicize the culture of Damei Xinjiang and the Corps, strengthen the identity of Chinese culture in all ethnic groups, create a good atmosphere of "communicating the mind in cultural exchanges, enhancing consensus in cultural exchanges, and strengthening identity in cultural integration."

Persist in accurate docking, work hard on "grounding gas", and promote Chinese culture to "fly into ordinary people's homes"

▲ In 2022, the Shanxi Cultural Aid Light Cavalry went into the community to perform for the residents

"'Literary Light Cavalry' Performance Quality and Earthquakes are very popular with the community." Wang Juan, secretary of the community party branch, compliments the Shanxi folk song "Peach Blossom Red Apricot White" sung by Shanxi singer Liu Wentao.

In order to allow grassroots people to feel the charm of culture and art closely and expand the coverage and influence of cultural activities, Shanxi's innovative forms are divided into large -scale professional institutions into multiple small artist groups to penetrate the community, group field, and company teams. The Jin opera "Guan Gong" performed by Wu Lingyun, the winner of the Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award, and Wang Chunmei, representative inheritance of the Jin opera, and the Jin opera skewers and eyebrows performed by Wang Peng. Wang Zhaolin, head of Shanxi Quyi Troupe, and Ma Xiaohong, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of Shanxi Provincial Quyi Troupe, won warm applause from the majority of employees at the grassroots level ...

The artists of Shanxi Cultural Aid "Light Cavalry" Literary and Art Performance Team Eat, live together, perform on the same stage, interact with the local people, and send the excellent local repertoires and "Shanxi" to the company, community, field, and field Earth. Taking the "Light Cavalry" as an example, more than 200 performances have been performed in the past two years, the performance cost has been reduced by nearly 80%, and the number of audiences has increased by 10 times.

Cultural aid in Xinjiang is also reflected in the integration and interaction. The Shanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism is suitable for the representative inheritance of Shanxi's intangible cultural heritage such as paper -cutting, copper, carving such as Shanxi characteristics, and promoted in Xinjiang. charm.

Persist in "losing" and "creation" together, see the effectiveness on the "retaining", sow the seeds of culture and riverside

Comprehensive use of various cultural forces to cultivate a spiritual homeland in Jinjiang, Shanxi has spared no effort. Since 2010, Shanxi aid Xinjiang has invested 140 million yuan in funds, and 73,000 square meters of new mass cultural venues have been built to promote the development of a modern public cultural service system with a diverse and openness, integration and openness, and Xinjiang characteristics. Essence

At the same time as "blood transfusion", Shanxi has continuously enhanced the "hematopoietic" function of reinforcement, and established a long -term mechanism for talent exchange training with Xinjiang. , Performance level, stimulate internal vitality, create a cultural talent team that cannot be taken away, and improve the artistic level of grassroots mass literary teams. Among them, the Jincheng Federation of Trade Unions carefully selected 37 professional teachers to carry out cultural aid activities, and trained more than 120 Shanxi African heritage culture to inherit the backbone for Fangcao Lake Farm. While the Shanxi Academy of Arts has brought the reinforcement place with high -quality repertoires in the past 10 years, it has trained more than 70 dance performance talents for the order -style of the Changji Art Theater ... According to incomplete statistics, Shanxi has trained culture for recipient land. More than 1,880 talents in cultural fields such as tourism, calligraphy, painting, opera, non -heritage, and cultural industries. The Changji Art Theater opened a special dance performance class in Taiyuan and the Xinjiang Qu Zizi Temple, which cultivated a large number of young backbone actors in the 90s.

In fact, Shanxi Cultural Aid Campaign has lasted for many years. In 2015, the "Jinjiang Love" Yellow River aid to Xinjiang to send customers to Xinjiang, and Shanxi became the first province in the country to conduct a tourist tour to Xinjiang. In 2020, "Jinjiang Love · Jinchangxing" Cultural Tourism Aid project investment promotion and market promotion activities were launched in Taiyuan City and Changzhi City, Shanxi Province. 10. In 2021, the theme activity of "Yundou Xinjiang Live Carnival -I am waiting for you in Tianshan", and through the live broadcast, tourists personally experience the prosperity of the landscape, style, humanities and food in Jinjiang, to build Xinjiang, enter Xinjiang The new platform of Xinjiang travels to Xinjiang continues to brighten the new travel business card of Xinjiang.

It is this three -dimensional and in -depth cultural aid that Shanxi has injected strong endogenous motivation into the cultural development of Xinjiang's aid land.

Source of Information: China Culture Daily

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