"2022 Beijing Radio and Television Mid -Autumn Festival Gala" heavy officials Xuan Multi -element to build an immersive stage

Author:Beijing Beijing Time:2022.09.08




The "2022 Beijing Radio and Television Mid -Autumn Festival", which was exclusively named by Wuliangye's exclusive name, was announced today. Broadcast.

The main visual poster is based on the "fantasy sense" as the overall tone, and the bright and bright full moon elements are made to form a harmonious beauty with traditional Chinese classical buildings and complement each other. At the same time, the full moon with a visual impact also reflects the wishes of "successful", praying for the next day, the overall meaning of the picture is auspicious and beautiful, expressing the beautiful vision of the full moon reunion.

Classic film and television lineup gathers evening

Most of the "Combination CP" surprises appear on the stage

The first wave of the "One -Year Moonlight Most Night" Mid -Autumn Festival Gala's debut has caused warm discussions among netizens, and most of them are full of "combination CP" to fill the audience's expectations! In this official declaration lineup, there are both the joining of the powerful singers such as Zhang Wei and Tengger, and also the starring of the classic film and television drama "Love Full Courtyard" and "Parenting Love". One by one, the popular screen characters reunited with the audience in the happy day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, bringing the audience to kill the audience, and the atmosphere of the Mid -Autumn Festival reunion meets the highest.

The Mid -Autumn Festival party not only gathered the popular screen classic CP, but also invited the "real version" sweet couple CP -Huo Siyan and Du Jiang. This pair of marriage for many years, but it is still like a shadow, making people very curious about their cheats who love freshness. The joining of the two also made this year's party full of happiness, which has attracted great attention from netizens for the performance of the sweet CP for this stage.

The prelude to the "Hemei" on the real scene is opened

The most beautiful moonlight for immersion

The curtain of "2022 Beijing Radio and Television Mid -Autumn Festival" is about to open, and an extreme audiovisual feast will come as scheduled. This party broke the expression of the traditional stage. The recording location was selected in the county's palace. The outdoor shooting created the outdoor cylinder -style natural real scene stage. The wind is full of Guizhi, so the light is more glowing "Mid -Autumn Festival scenery.

This party is not only unique in the stage of stage, but also unique in the choice of content of the show. The party invited film and television culture celebrities to create classic literary performances, and also joined heavyweight artists in various fields. Through poetry recitation, opera, cross talk, songs, dance, instrumental music, etc. The dimension builds a exquisite Mid -Autumn Festival party. The diverse cultural collision exchanges show the meaning of "harmony", and ingenuity casts the "cultural feast" of Beijing.

For more exciting content, please pay attention to the "2022 Beijing Radio and Television Mid -Autumn Festival" broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV at 19:30 on September 10. Let's enjoy the moon in this traditional festival and gather at this time.

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