A poem will be drunk for autumn night!More than 30 broadcast hosters gathered in good night Hebei Mid -Autumn Poetry Club

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.09.10

"Tonight, people look at it, I don't know who Qiu Zi Luo ..." On the evening of September 9th, in the new media live broadcast of the "Good Night Hebei 2022 Mid -Autumn Poetry", a poetic Mid -Autumn Festival picture was following Hebei The sound of more than 30 broadcasters of the radio and television stations slowly unfolded.

Big coffee gathered, hope to express the moon

Poetry as a matchmaker, to be a song on the moon

The live broadcast of "Good Night Hebei 2022 Mid -Autumn Poetry Association" was planned by Hebei Radio and Television Station. , Jiayin, Wang Ying, Feng Liang, Frontier, Weilong, Li Yaoyang, Guo Zixue, Huang Ning, Article and other old and Chinese new generation of broadcasters hosting the "Fifteen Nights Moon", "Water Tune Songs · When the Moon has", " Classic poetry such as Chunjiang Flower Moon Night ", Manjiang Red · Writing Writing", "Four Rhymes of Hometown" presents a feast of traditional poetry culture for thousands of netizens, creating a traditional festival atmosphere.

This live broadcast is formed by the nine major sections such as "Wangyue Expressing", "Being a Song of Wine", and "Remembering Nostalgia". The way of elegant and vulgar appreciation approach you and me.

Step out of the traditional studio, innovate the interpretation of you and me

Love in the middle shape, poetry Yayunhua people's heart

On the stage, it is the recitation of the recitation of the recitation; in front of the screen, there are tens of millions of listening netizens, or they are quietly appreciated, or read a poem, or interact with the host. , Cross through the time and space barrier, straight into the heart and spleen.

This event is the first time that Hebei Radio and Television Station has adopted a real -time live broadcast in a large -scale performance event. The main creative team walked out of the studio and carefully designed and built dance beauty, lighting, and audio combinations to create an immersive experience and produced a delicate "chemical reaction". , Put a refreshing audiovisual banquet for the majority of netizens.

It is understood that this event was broadcast live on the client of Hebei Radio and Television, and WeChat video numbers, Weibo, Douyin, and Kuaishou matrix platform. out. As of press time, the live broadcast has attracted 5.165 million netizens to pay attention to watching, praise and appreciation.

Happy Mid -Autumn Festival ~ Happy Mid -Autumn Festival ~

Source 丨 Ji Shi client

Edit 丨 Liu Qian

Editor -in -law 丨 Zhang Lan

Produced 丨 Bu Suqi

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