This year's domestic films are the best!After a 84 -year -old film, a 84 -year -old film

Author:One Time:2022.09.12

At the end of August this year,

The 84 -year -old actress Wu Yanxuan virtue of the movie "Mom! "

Won the best actress of the Beijing International Film Festival Temple of Film Festival,

Become an old "after -shadow".

This one has been active in the screen in recent years,

Grandma with excellent gesture said humblely,

"This award belongs to me and I Mei Meijuan."

84 -year -old film after the film Wu Yanyi

A 84 -year -old, 67 -year -old,

White hair wrinkles, there is no view of view-

Such a "double heroine" configuration is rare on the domestic screen.

Director Yang Lyan said,

Let the image of such a pair of elderly mother and daughter be seen on the screen,

It was her ambition to work.

In the film, Wu Yanyu and Xi Meijuan

This is not the first time Yang Lyan has shot a mother -daughter relationship,

In 2019, her work "Spring Tide",

The story between the mother and daughter with a close relationship

Slotted the Golden Rooster Award.

An interview with Yang Li

——The director, screenwriter, daughter, mother.

We talked to her about this movie,

And the emotions of mothers in real life.

Self -description: Yang Li soda

Edit: Zhou Tiancheng

Responsible editor: Chen Ziwen

Director and screenwriter Yang Lyan accepted an exclusive interview

"Mother! 》 The story of a 85 -year -old mother takes care of the daughter of Alzheimer's daughter at the age of 65.

Over the years, what we see on the big screen usually has a very young and beautiful image, especially women, often interpreted by some big stars. I rarely see such a simple and age -sensing image. But maybe because of this rare, it has become a ambition of my work:

I look at my old actor, they are so good; such elderly mothers and daughters can be seen everywhere in life. Why can't I let the audience see them on the big screen?

Wu Yanyu and Xi Meijuan played a pair of intellectuals and daughters in the film. They were retired literary professors and physics professors. My daughter will read poems for her mother before going to bed, while the mother is familiar with the version and pages of the collection of poems.

From the beginning, I was very determined that Teacher Wu Yanzheng came to play the mother -her age, the fit of her age, and the image of my mother in my mind, so that I had no room for choice at all, and it must be her.

Teacher Xi Meijuan is an actor of "not like an actor". Because she is too rustic, not glorious, and very beautiful at the same time. They all have a type of book gas, which is the image of a pair of old intellectuals that I want to shape in the film.

Before his daughter became ill, the mother was a "old naughty boy" who liked to stand up his high place and scares his daughter.

The daughter is the role of "caregiver". She is clear, unsmiling, urging her mother to brush her teeth and wash her hands, and eat a light and healthy diet like monks.

After the daughter became ill, the older mother began to take care of her daughter, and divided the braised pork in the plate to the daughter of the daughter in the plate.

In this story, the mother and daughter have reached the end of life. So we spent a lot of time to talk, talking about what they had experienced, what they did before, and why there were current performances.

We have also studied many books and movies for this. Both Wu Yanyu and Mr. Xi Meijuan were once actors in the stage. When they received the role, they would naturally produce the belief of the actor.

In order to better take care of her daughter, her mother started to exercise. Wu Yanzheng also contributed amazing performances such as push -ups, tablets, horses, etc.

Teacher Wu Yanzheng also learned Japanese, French, and English for this drama. He learned very seriously and well. She also jumped in Samba and just for dancing the plot. Unfortunately, these shots were not used in the end, and we retained her best horse.

They substituted too deep emotions in this play, and sometimes impressed me. There was a play that her daughter was anxious to enter the house to go to the toilet. The mother couldn't open the door and knocked the window with a small hammer. Many viewers still remember that action. When I was on the set, the scene was stupid.

Wu Yanzhen's lens climbing the window sill has made many people remember. Photography guidance Yu Jingping said that at that moment, she really became the anxious mother

Teacher Wu Yanzhen was very small and the window sill was very high. It was difficult to climb into that room. At that time, we gave her a small stool under the window sill. Let her stand on the stool and crush the glass.

As a result, Teacher Wu took a knock, I didn't shout, and her movement did not stop. So she stood onto the stool, climbed a leg, supported it with her arms, then went up the other leg, and climbed in. After entering, she reacted the danger and asked me: Director, don't shout card? I reacted to stop, and then all of us rushed up to hug her.

I didn't call the card because I forgot it. I was stupid. I was completely attracted by her action.

There is also a show of a daughter's bath. Maybe because the water temperature is a bit high, Teacher Mei Meijuan feels uncomfortable after taking a while, a little hypoglycemia. We suspended the shooting and let her rest for a while. At that moment, the entire crew was quiet and slowly waiting for her to recover.

Wu Yanxuan was too deep in the play, and he was still crying after the shooting

At that moment, we didn't think this was a difficulty, but would feel a kind of encouragement -seeing these two old actors brought such a professional spirit into this play. As juniors and colleagues, there seems to be nothing that cannot be overcome or faced.

I am not a process of entered aging completely, my physical condition is okay, and I am not obsessed with my youth, but I do see the aging of other life. Since I started shooting documentary, I saw a lot of old people falling in front of the camera, and I had to take it seriously.

Before shooting the plot, Yang Lyan sodium made a documentary for many years. Her documentary debut "Old Man" aimed at a group of ordinary old men who tied up and chatted, and won the "Gold Award" and "Volunteer's Favorite Movie" Award in the Leipzig Documentary Film Festival in Germany.

When some animals and relatives disappear from my life, I will be reminded, how do you face the last time in our lives?

In the movie "Spring Tide", Jin Yanling and Hao Lei played a pair of relative mother and daughter

So after "Spring Tide", I was determined to shoot a movie about the age of the elderly. The movies I have filmed before are about youth and middle age. For example, the mother and daughter relationship in "Spring Tide" are sharp and mean, and both of them still have "combat effectiveness" to target each other. But "Mom! "This movie is not like this.

In front of such a pair of age and solemn life individuals, I can't bear to be more cruel to them. Therefore, the tone of the movie has become more stable and warm.

The mother and daughter relationship in the story should be said to be a kind of mother and daughter relationship in my ideal. In the model of the two pairs of mothers and daughters, they were not tightly tied, and there was no unlimited self -sacrifice between them.

All of their ways get along with each other's respect and decent situations. In the absence of family life, mothers and daughters are also understanding and not complaining. After her daughter was sick, her mother knew how to take care of her daughter and had been protecting her dignity.

When her daughter was sick, she was framed as a thief.

"No matter what you look like, I love you"

In the film, after the daughter was sick, she returned a child. There would be some smiles on her face, and she would start to grab the mother's food and eat more fragrant. Finally, she could start to reveal the deepest secret in her mother.

She was restrained by the past mistakes for a lifetime. After the illness, she and her mother started a new relationship, let her mother understand her, take care of her, and finally reached a liberated life.

These are not good for a sick daughter. But at the same time, she no longer recognized her mother and could no longer apologize for the mistakes of the year, which was another tragedy.

The daughter carried her mistake for a lifetime, and the onset of the disease made her finally pouring the secret of her mother's heart.

Therefore, in this film, many plots are like a double -edged sword with cruelty and warmth; there are compassion and harm; This is very similar to our life, but even in the cruelty, you can still see the glory belonging to mothers, women, and human.

Zhou Xia played by Wen Qi was a lost girl. Later, she took the right track with the help of her daughter. She also became a mother.

The role of Zhou Xia played by Wen Qi is actually a relationship with her daughter. The daughter saw Zhou Xia, who was in the confusion of youth, like herself when she was young. She didn't have too much preaching, so she just used her kind of good thoughts and trust to make Zhou Xia go on track again.

Zhou Xia also became a mother and a daughter later. I think it is a continuation of the intergeneration of women. You can say that she is a ray of sunshine in her daughter's life. It can also be said that this is the help of her daughter's help to her.

In fact, I also want to awaken an interpersonal relationship through this role. In fact, each of us has some good things in nature, but in modern society, we seem to have closed these things.

I was thinking, can we re -open the beautiful relationship of "even if we are strangers, I can trust you and help you".

My daughter is afraid that she hurts her mother when she is onset, trying to tie herself

The attention of Alzheimer's disease is integrated with my attention to the elderly group. At present, the domestic public's awareness of this group is still very limited. The film at the end of the film has some documentary images of Alzheimer's patients, all of which I have been paying attention to on the short video platform.

The ones that you can see, when they hear the "mother" reaction, are the most authentic -even if they may forget everyone, they will still have an instinctual reaction and memory of the concept of mothers.

Three flames through fingers are the secret code of "I love you"

In the film, the mother and daughter have a secret number, and the fingers pass through the flames three times (or hit three fingers) means "I love you". From the time when the daughter is very young, until their twilight years, they will use this secret sign.

Many viewers have a deep impression on this secret code. This setting is actually my childhood memory, but I can only disclose here, I want to preserve this beautiful secret.

In fact, we Chinese are not very good at expressing "I love you". Young people seem to be better. Among the old generations in the past, no matter how much I love you, I wo n’t say it, and even often show it It's all "I don't love you".

So I also have an expectation that after the audience has watched this film, even if they are not good at saying "I love you", everyone can still tell their mother or child in their own way that I love you. Some things really understand that they can be more understood after they have reached a certain age and become mothers. For example, there are a lot of frustration in life, pain, debt, and apology that is too late to say, but in contrast, love is the most constant. With such support, there may not be so many fear in life.

Yang Li sodium when he was young

I am also a mother myself. The part that makes me more pleased is that there is no "wall" between my daughter and I, almost entirely through, we can talk about a lot of things. The daughter and mother in the film have the shadow of my own life.

My daughter is adolescent now, and there is a kind of energy that I don't care. But I saw some good things in this generation of young people. For example, although they may look more indifferent and self -self, they have a clear understanding of society and some public issues. They will also have their own sense of mission and responsibility. When I wrote Zhou Xia's role, I would also learn from my daughter.

Director and producer are on the set

I know she would watch my movie, but she didn't know how to talk about these things, and she rarely mentioned these in the circle of friends. I saw her in the circle of friends two days ago and said that it was "Mom's movie" Mom! "". I also replied to "I have worked hard to you, and I reposted it" (laughs).

In my first half of my life, I did two things: one was to make a movie and the other was raising my daughter.

Most of my movies and documentary films are made in the process of bringing this child. Now that she is going to college, I am middle -aged. I seem to have more words to say, and finally have more free time that belongs to me. I think it may be my best creative stage in the next ten years.

My daughter's young man, the world is very big. As for whether she is by my side, I don't think I should have any sustenance. I hope to take my mother in my own life. My movie has not yet been released (Note: The movie has been released on September 10), but my mother will search for some flowers and previews online. I saw her reply, and she said that in this movie, she saw compassion.

There are also many very warm moments between my mother and I. I hope that when she is 85 years old, we can also love and take care of each other as the mother and daughter in the movie.

I believe my mother will be such a mother.

- END -