[Zi Niu Toutiao] Baoma filmed the cooking process as a fixed animation, and those ingredients that could move seemed to be magic.

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.09.25

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The flour will become a dough by itself, the noodles will be wrapped in the stuffing itself, and then line up to "jump" into the plate into a lotus crispy, it looks fun and delicious. Have you watched such a food cartoon? Recently, Zhao Li, a Baoma of Qingdao, Shandong, has been shared by the short video platform. The food fixed animation. The netizens said in surprise: "The ingredients will move itself. Zhao Li introduced the process of making an animation. She said that the fixed animation only changed the trick to make food for her son. In addition, only by giving food to the rhythm of the food can the beauty of food fixed animation be reflected.

The moving ingredients seem to be magic

Netizens just shouted: I can't stop my eyes

Recently, a lot of lotus crispy videos on the Internet have been in a circle, with 1.126 million likes and 58,000 messages. In the picture, a quaint operating table is paired with a hollow grille, and three porcelain vases, full of Chinese style. What attracts people is those ingredients that are moving like magic. The flour is stirred and pressed into a noodle, and the noodles are wrapped in the stuffing by themselves. Blooming lotus crisp.

"Lotus Crispy" Fixed Animation Screenshot

In this way, the production process of the food production in the form of cartoons surprises the netizens, "Is the flour become fine? Could it be to be magic!" "I really like such ingredients with self -care '!" Some netizens have recognized that this gameplay is the food fixed animation, showing the production process of food in a fresh and interesting way.

The Yangtze Evening News reporter learned that Zhao Li, a publisher of this video, lives in Qingdao, Shandong, 33 years old. Zhao Li is a mother of a two -year -old child, and she is also a gourmet blogger. However, unlike pure video teaching, she made the cooking process as a fixed animation. In the animation she released, no one appeared in the whole process. The "motion" ingredients, with the realistic sound effect, made people look at it at all. Netizens said, "I want to see what these ingredients will have the next step, and the next step will show any interesting scenes."

Food fixed animation production requires patience

Give ingredients by creativity to "life"

Zhao Li has been sharing food fixing animation from April this year. These foods are mainly noodles. They are usually changed to their son. She released a total of 59 video works, with 412,000 fans in just 5 months.

Those vivid and interesting pictures make the food production process interesting, and it looks fun and delicious. Many people are curious how she shoots? Zhao Li told reporters that the shooting and production principles of fixed animation are very simple, but they need great patience. "When making food, you need to take a photo every small step. My fixed animation is 24 photos in a second. For example, that lotus crispy video, a total of 1 minute and 02 seconds, it takes 1488 photos. In the later period, you need to connect all the photos together, and follow the sound effects of the video I want to edit later. "

Zhao Li is arranging the shooting scene

Zhao Li introduced that her fixed animation works simply need to shoot for two or three hours, and the later editing takes three or four hours. For foods with complicated production technology, it takes about eight or nine hours to take photos alone, and the longest video, it took 5 days to edit in the later period. After such a time -consuming and labor -intensive creative process, netizens knew that they "dare not urge more."

Zhao Li edited later

The fixed animation is an animation composed of pictures. It is continuously played through a certain order through countless static pictures to form dynamic effects. So how to present its beauty? "Before shooting, you must design the video in advance, and you need a overall planning and ideas. For example, the work with lotus crisps, because it is a Chinese face, then I set up a scene that belongs to the Chinese style and take photos to take photos. When you choose 4 light sources from time to time, try to highlight the Chinese lotus element. When editing in the later period, you need to conform to the track of the food movement, sometimes gentle and sometimes pause, giving it a rhythm. " His preferences do not have a fixed textbook standard. Food fixed animation depends on self -study

Church fans make food very meaningful

Zhao Li was an accountant in her company, and she was purely interested in gourmet fixed animation, plus time with time. "Because I am a mother, I often cook, so I did not deliberately learn this thing. There are food tutorials on the Internet and books. I took it in the process of making food for my son. It is not from the science class. "She said that she liked photography. She just started trying to send a short video of food and felt that the response was average. Later, she changed to an animation. I didn't expect it to be so hot.

As the work attracted more attention, because her net name and food and fixed animation did not match, they also made a joke. "My net name is" Nongfu Youyan ", which is also random. Some netizens said that the videos and published videos could not be associated with a piece, guessing that my work was carried by handling, reposting, and even plagiarism." Zhao Li smiled and laughed. I told reporters that for this, she also shared a fixed animation shooting tutorial on the short video platform. Bar."

Zhao Li’s Formulating Animation Works

Below Zhao Li's work, there are a lot of mothers from Baoma, saying that she learned to make food with her video steps, and the children also like her animation, especially the sound effects in the video. The message of these Baoma made her seem to find her meaning as a gourmet blogger. Now the happiest thing is to hear the fans say that she successfully made a biscuit or pizza according to her method.

"I will make some foods that are easier and delicious, or simplify some more complex foods, use some ingredients we can contact daily to simplify it, make it easier to get closer, and facilitate fans to learn. "And she is also willing to answer questions with fans. Whether it is animation shooting or food production, as long as someone is willing to learn, she will teach without reservation.

The work is watched by the son as a cartoon

Just bring happiness to others

The people around knew that Zhao Li would be curious after Zhao Li was doing food -free animation, "Do you still do this?" This made her vanity in her heart. The work of her son was more proud of her. "My son will watch my work every day, and he thinks this is an cartoon. In his opinion, the things inside are wonderful. Why does a dough move? Why does that plate run herself?" Zhao Li told reporters that , My son is willing to sleep after watching two works every night, "But I won't explain to him because he is still young." She said that she would not deliberately make food for the animation, and every time I would not Do a lot and share it with your family after completion.

Zhao Li said modestly that his current level of animation production is still in the initial stage. In the future, he will try to learn more about related knowledge, enrich creativity, plus different elements, and expand the shooting method and work style. She revealed that she has begun to try to shoot anime fixed animation, with plots, characters and story content, and wait for a certain amount of work to be released.

Although many fans accumulated, Zhao Li still did not plan to develop the food fixed animation into her own business. She felt that it was still very hard to do this. It ’s still a hobby. As long as my work can bring happiness to others and myself."

Zi Niu News Reporter | Chen Yong

Edit | Wan Huijuan

Editing | Wan Huijuan

Editor | Chen Dichen

Video Picture Source: Provided by the respondent

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