The latest reminder of the Hunan Provincial Health and Health Commission: 48 hours of nucleic acid negative certificates to enter Hunan in other provinces

Author:Changsha release Time:2022.08.03

At present, it is the peak of tourism in the summer vacation. Large -scale personnel flow will increase the risk of input in our province. Important transportation hubs of "three stations and one field" (railway station, high -speed railway station, bus station, airport) are the first line of defense and the most important line of defense to strictly implement foreign defense input. In order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the province's epidemic prevention and control, the Health Education Propaganda Center of the Hunan Provincial Health and Health Committee issued a tip on the prevention and control of the "three stations and one" important transportation hub epidemic situation: keep the gate of urban epidemic prevention and build the gate of the city "epidemic prevention prevention "Wall", the "epidemic prevention network" of the dense transportation hub, scientifically and accurately do a good job of epidemic prevention and control.

How should the "three stops" do a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic? 1. Implement the main responsibility of the venue, formulate emergency work plans, and carry out emergency drills. The waiting (machine) area and public transportation are equipped with necessary protective supplies and disinfection drugs, such as masks, sterilization, disinfection agent and non -contact thermometer. Establish an emergency area (temporary isolation point) in an appropriate location such as "three stations and one field" to prepare passengers with suspicious symptoms such as fever and cough in temporary isolation. 2. Establish a health monitoring system and register for the health status of staff. The new coronary virus vaccination of the new coronary virus vaccine in various transportation venues should be taken over. Civil aviation must register for front -line staff, real -name management, and carry out health monitoring at least every morning and afternoon. 3. Strictly control the flow density according to the risk level and actual situation of the area in the region, and set the "1 meter line" in the waiting area to remind personnel to maintain a safe distance and avoid the gathering of personnel. 4. Keep the indoor air circulation in the waiting (machine) area, and give priority to opening windows to ventilate. After the train, high -speed rail, car's air -conditioned carriage, airplane, etc., you should open all the cars and the door door for ventilation and air. Ventilation 2 to 3 times, 20 to 30 minutes each time. If the window is not suitable for ventilation, it should be equipped with a mechanical gas replacement and ventilation equipment. The area of ​​the air -conditioning system should be used to clean the air conditioner regularly. 5. The environment and items are mainly cleaning, supplemented by prevention of disinfection, avoiding excessive disinfection, and cleaning and disinfection at any time when pollution. The public toilet is kept clean, equipped with soap, hand -toilet, or alcohol -containing disinfectant to ensure the normal use of water supply facilities such as faucets. Strengthen the management of garbage classification, set up recycling waste mask trash cans, timely clearing the garbage, and keeping the environment clean and hygienic. 6. Regularly clean and disinfection of the sites and grounds of the platform, station hall, terminal, door handle, elevator button, stair handrail, seat surface, handrail and other people, and do a good job of work records and signs. After each time the train, high -speed rail, car, aircraft, etc. arrive,, deal with the surface of the seats, desktops, rings, armrests, and other frequently exposed surfaces for cleaning and disinfection. 7. Staff of all "three stations and one" traffic place should pay attention to rest, maintain personal hygiene, wash your hands frequently, avoid using unclean hands, eyes, nose, sneezing, cough, cover your nose or nose or adopt a paper towel or adopt use Elbow arm blocking, etc. All staff should wear medical surgical masks, N95/KN95 particulate protective masks or above -level masks during the work during the job, pay attention to personal protection, pay attention to personal hygiene habits, keep work uniforms and clean work, strengthen hand hygiene, keep hands cleaning, or or clean, or to keep hands clean, or Wear disposable gloves. 8. Strengthen health mission, and use fixed publicity columns, electronic screens, broadcasting, posters, etc. to promote the prevention and control knowledge of new crown pneumonia.

What should passengers pay attention to the "three stops and one game"? 1. To understand the latest epidemic prevention policies of the destination in advance in the small procedures of the State Council, and understand whether the destination is a high school risk zone. When taking the opportunity (car), pay attention to the timetable, be careful not to reach too early. This can not only reduce the density of the personnel of the terminal and the waiting room, but also avoid staying in a relatively closed environment for a long time. In the "back), Xiang personnel should hold a 48 -hour kernel acid test negative certificate in the" three stops and one game ". 2. Passengers do a good job of personal protection when entering the station, wear masks throughout the journey, and try to contact public facilities and public items as little as possible. If you go to the public toilet, you should pay attention to the hand -to -hand sanitation or disinfection with hand -washed disinfection agent when contacting the handrail, the door handle, and the touched objects that are touched. 3. Keep quiet when taking the "three stops and one" transportation to avoid noise. Cough and sneezing should pay attention to civilized etiquette, cover with paper towels or cover the nose nose with arm. 4. Sit at the waiting (car) position. When eating and drinking water, you should avoid the peak of the personnel and avoid the intersection between the personnel.

Source 丨 New Hunan client reporter 丨 Li Qi intern 丨 Sun Xin Yang Xunsha correspondent 丨 Zhao Yan editor 丨 Wenchun Yan school pair 丨 Chen Meng reviewed

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