From 6 o'clock on August 6, Sanya, Hainan, implements temporary static management

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.06

In the early morning of August 6, the reporter learned from Sanya's new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work headquarters that the current Sanya outbreak prevention and control situation is very severe.According to the deployment of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, in order to block the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible, it resolutely implements the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound" and the "dynamic clear zero" general policy, and strives to effectively control the epidemic in the shortest time to effectively protectGood people's health and life safety, the relevant matters are notified as follows:

From 6 am on August 6, 2022, the city of Sanya has implemented temporary static management. In addition to ensuring basic social operation services, epidemic prevention and control, and emergency circumstances, Sanya City restricts the flow of personnel and suspension of urban public transportation.The recovery time can be notified separately.

(Source: CCTV News Client)

【Edit: Wang Yujin】

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