From 0:00 on August 7th to 15:00, two newly infected infections in Beijing were added. Disease Control reminded that in the near future, there are people who live in the history of these areas to return to Beijing and report immediately.

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.08.07

On the afternoon of August 7, the Beijing Municipal Government News Office organized the 384th press conference of the Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemium. Xu Hejian, deputy minister of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Director of the Municipal Government News Office, and spokesman for the municipal government. Relevant persons in charge of Shijingshan District and Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attended the latest epidemic situation to introduce the situation related to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Beijing Disease Prevention and Control Center, informed the latest epidemic in Beijing and issued a health reminder:

From 0:00 on August 7th to 15:00, two new cases of infection were added to the new crown pneumonia virus, which had been transferred to a designated hospital for quarantine treatment, and the relevant risk points and personnel had been controlled.

Related situation

The infected person 1 and the infected person 2 live together, all of which are isolated observers, and now live in the No. 26 Courtyard of Chengtong Street, Shijingshan District. The infected person 1 drove to Beijing on August 3 and conducted normalized nucleic acid testing on the day of Beijing. The results of the report were negative. On August 4th, headache and sore throat occurred. On August 5th The report was separated at home. On August 6, infected people 2 had symptoms such as dry pharyngeal and fever. The community performed nucleic acid tests for the two. The results of the report on August 7 were positive. On the day of the diagnosis of diagnosis, the clinical type was mild.

Health reminder

At present, the domestic epidemic is more distributed. During the summer vacation, there are many tourists who go out, and the liquidity and aggregation of personnel will increase. "Quartet responsibilities", effectively fulfill the main responsibility, strictly implement various preventive and control measures such as the investigation of risk personnel, and urge risk personnel to report to the community and implement community epidemic prevention requirements.

Since July 23, there have been a history of Hainan Province. Recently, personnel have visited Baotou City, Ordos, Ulanchabu City, Xilingule League, Wuhai, and other risk areas. The person who reminds the person who intersection with the case of case activities immediately actively reported to the community, units, hotels and other reports to cooperate with various prevention and control measures such as centralized isolation, home isolation, health monitoring, and nucleic acid detection.

If you receive a community or centers notified as risk personnel, you must truthfully report personal information and schedule, without going out, not receiving visiting relatives and friends, and cooperating with various prevention and control measures. It is necessary to be isolated from home, home health monitoring, and their same residents.

We must continue to insist on traveling or traveling or business trips or business trips or business trips outside Beijing in the high -risk areas and reporting cases. Pay attention to the local epidemic situation, strictly abide by epidemic prevention regulations, and do personal protection. Entering the personnel to return to Beijing should pay attention to the health of themselves and their families. Once fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell, smell (taste) consciousness, diarrhea and other symptoms, inform community staff as soon as possible and cooperate with corresponding control measures.

Citizen friends should conduct nucleic acid testing in accordance with regulations. When entering public places, normalized prevention and control measures such as coding temperature measurement, standardized wearing masks, and maintaining safety social distances are strictly implemented.

Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference Broadcast Channel:

Webcasting Platform: Beijing released by Beijing Municipal People's Government News Office (Weibo Kuaishou Douyin Account),, Window of the Capital, Beijing Daily Client, Beijing Youth Daily Beijing Headline Client, Beijing Youth Daily Beijing Toutiao Client, Beijing Youth Daily Listen to the FM client, Beijing time, People's Daily Beijing Channel, People's Video Client, Xinhua News Agency client, video special line, Xinhuanet Beijing Channel, CCTV News client, CCTV Finance Client, China Daily official Weibo client, official Weibo client, China Daily Chinese network

Broadcasting platform: Beijing Radio and Television Taiwan Beijing Traffic Broadcasting, Beijing News Broadcasting Mailing Play Live

TV platform: Beijing TV Station News Channel live broadcast live broadcast

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