Lushunkou District issued the latest epidemic prevention notice!

Author:Peninsula Morning Post Time:2022.09.01

In view of the severe and complex situation in Dalian's epidemic situation, in order to effectively prevent the risks of the spread of epidemic and effectively protect the health and life of the general public in our district, the relevant matters of the current epidemic prevention and control work will be fully notified as follows:

1. Report in advance

All travelers (returning) travelers outside the traveler's area must report to the destination community (village), hotels and hotels 24 hours ahead of time. Village) The certification materials for it; travelers outside the Dalian city (return) must hold 48 hours of nucleic acid negative proof. Implement the "landing on the ground" and "three days and two inspections", and implement various epidemic prevention policies. If you have close contact information, if you conceal the itinerary information, conceal the case or the case of confirmed cases, or the suspected cases, the epidemic will be held accountable seriously in accordance with the law.

2. Non -necessary without leaving a brigade

1. Indeed, personnel to go to other districts and counties in Dalian must hold the original ID card to the designated place of the street, community (village) to apply for a departure certificate, and hold a 48 -hour nucleic acid test negative certificate; The community reports, and holds the State Council's itinerary, Liaoning Health Code Green Code, and 2 nucleic acid testing negative proof of nucleic acid within 48 hours before leaving.

2. At the same time as the personnel, enterprises and institutions are fulfilled, the main leaders of the unit must approve the approval of the unit.

Third, strictly compact the four -party responsibility

Relevant enterprises and key public places must strictly implement the main responsibility of the epidemic prevention and control, effectively strengthen the health monitoring of employees or employees, strictly implement the frequency of nucleic acid testing of key groups, strengthen the disinfection and disinfecting of places, and urge relevant personnel to sweep the field.

All citizens should strengthen self -health monitoring, maintain a safe social distance, and develop good health habits such as wearing masks, hard work, often ventilating, non -fastening, not gathering, less dinner, etc., and advocate a healthy lifestyle. Entering public places should cooperate with the code inspection and temperature measurement.

The above prevention and control measures will be adjusted in real time according to the development of the epidemic. For example, the latest prevention and control policies for the release of the Dalian City's defense finger will be based on the release of the Dalian defense finger. This provision is implemented from the announcement of this announcement.

Portal Prevention and Control Headquarters of New Crown Pneumonia in Lushunkou District

September 1, 2022

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