17 infected people are involved in the wedding banquet!The latest notice in Shandong →

Author:Harbin Daily Time:2022.09.02

From 0:00 to 24:00 on August 31, 2022, Shandong Province reported 4 cases of new local diagnosis cases, including 3 cases of Jining, 2 cases of centralized isolation points, and 1 case was detected., Ties to discover the centralized isolation point.There were 19 new native symptoms of infection, including 14 cases of Jining, all of which were detected at the centralized isolation point.

On the morning of September 1st, Jining City, Shandong Province held a press conference on the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia.The reporter learned from the press conference that in the early morning of August 31, Yutai County, Jining, Shandong found a positive nucleic acid test in key personnel screening.From 0:00 on August 31 to 24, Jining City reported 3 new local confirmed cases, of which one of the key personnel was screened and 2 cases were discovered.There are 14 new natives of infection, all of which are detected at the centralized isolation point.

According to the traceability situation and preliminary analysis of experts, the epidemic situation is related to the returning provinces.After investigation, the 17 infected people in Jining are currently on the 28th wedding banquet table or the same room diners. The epidemic chain is relatively clear and the risk is generally controllable.

Source: CCTV News Client


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