Inadequate epidemic prevention!Xichang City accounts for accountability for these two people

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.09.02

Xichang City responded to the new type of coronary virus pneumonia. The emergency headquarters issued a notice on September 2nd to perform accountability for Li Yuping and Zhang Erwei in the prevention and control of the epidemic. The full text is as follows:

Xichang City's notice of the emergency command of the new type of coronary virus pneumonia's epidemic emergency response to Li Yuping and Zhang Erway's failure to perform accountability in the prevention and control of the epidemic

Since the "August 28" epidemic in Xichang City, all levels of departments at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the city moved and listened to the order. Measures to dedicate their own strength to the prevention and control of this epidemic. However, it was found in the work that there are still some party members and cadres who have not political standing, insufficient sense of responsibility, and poor emergency response. Hidden dangers.

Li Yuping, a member of the old Ximen Community Resident Committee of Beicheng Street, Xichang City, and Zhang Erwei, a community grid member, implemented the poor decision -making deployment, and the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control measures was not in place, causing serious adverse consequences. Examination and investigation.

It is hoped that party members and cadres at all levels in the city will be considered to be abstained, fulfilling their work responsibilities, and resolutely overcome the paralysis thoughts, fluke, and mood, strict, obsessively, and obsessively fall from the realistic epidemic prevention and control measures. Clear zero, comprehensively win the prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control, make due contributions.

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