As of 24:00 on September 2nd, the latest situation of Jiangsu's new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic

Author:Nanjing released Time:2022.09.03

At 0-24 on September 2, Jiangsu had no new local diagnosis cases, and no new native infection was added.

1 new overseas input diagnostic case (Singapore input, isolation treatment in designated hospitals in Nanjing), and 3 cases of asymptomatic infection were added overseas. 3 new cases of hospitalization (all inputs overseas input) were added, and 5 asymptomatic infections were lifted by isolation medical management (all of which were input overseas).

The details of newly confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections were released by relevant districts and cities.

At present, there are 12 confirmed cases of quarantine treatment in designated hospitals (2 cases of 2 cases, 10 cases of overseas input), and 64 cases of non -symptoms of non -symptoms of isolation medical management (32 cases in the homeland and 32 cases overseas input).

Expert reminder:

Recently, the local clustered epidemic has been reported in many places in the country. There are multiple transmission chains. The situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic is severe and complicated. It is still necessary to strictly implement various prevention and control measures. The Omikon variants have the characteristics of fast transmission speed, short latent period, and strong hiddenness, which have put forward greater challenges to prevent and control. Everyone is the first person in charge of his own health. He must continue to do health protection, adhere to the must not exit, do not go to the high -risk area, and have a local epidemic area to reduce the flow of inter -provincial and cross -regional flow.

First, take the initiative to report it in time to cooperate with prevention and control management. Recently, there is a history of residential area in the area of ​​local epidemic, especially those who intersect with newly -added confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections. And isolation medical observation and other prevention and control measures. Pay close attention to the official release of the authoritative information of the epidemic, the dynamics of the domestic epidemic, and the changes in the risk level of the epidemic in various places. Do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, always maintain vigilance, strict prevention, and support prevention and control measures.

Second, actively vaccinate the new coronal virus vaccine. Vaccination is an effective means to block the transmission of new coronary viruses and prevent and control new crown pneumonia. It helps to establish group immune barriers and reduce the risk of severe and death after infection. People over the age of 60 who meet the conditions of vaccination shall complete the full vaccination and inoculation of enhanced needles as soon as possible.

Third, adhere to the preventive and control measures for the normalization epidemic. In the seasons of Xiaqiu alternate, in the venue and indoor space of personnel, we must persist in wearing a mask. Entering public places such as shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, etc., actively cooperate with masks and codes to test temperature, and queue up, pay, talk, exercise, visit, and shop. Pay attention to maintaining a social distance of more than 1 meter. When participating in nucleic acid testing, wear a mask, keep one meter distance, do not talk or gather.

Fourth, strengthen personal protection awareness. Persist in good personal hygiene habits such as diligently washing hands, wearing masks, constant ventilation, less gathering, using public chopsticks, and meal system. Once he fever, dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, smell, smell of smell, conjunctivitis, muscle pain, and diarrhea, you must seek medical treatment in time. On the way, wearing masks can be standardized throughout the way to avoid taking public transport.

Source: Health Jiangsu

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