After girls hit the ear podium, liver and kidney damage to intracranial infection!Doctor reminds: Pay attention to this detail →

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.09.03

After a 18 -year -old girl in Jinan, Shandong, after a piercing ears in the mall, her ear was infected, inflammatory, swollen, and even pus. At first she did not pay much attention to it. I did not expect to be sent to the hospital for a few days later. Renal function is damaged and accompanied by intracranial infection. How can a small ears cause such serious consequences?

△ CCTV Finance "First Time" column video

Liu Pei, deputy chief physician of Qilu Hospital Qilu Hospital of Shandong University: It is very high in the blood of her blood in her blood routine, and the liver function and kidney function have affected. Her ears were swollen, because she had no injuries elsewhere on her body. Therefore, we speculate that the infection caused by the pierced pierced piercing caused bacteria, causing sudden high fever and liver and kidney damage.

According to experts, the inflammation related to the ear pierced is mainly caused by bacterial infection. Bacteria comes from the local skin surface, the instruments of the ear pierced, and earrings. If it is not fully disinfected, the bacteria may take advantage of the deficiency to cause inflammation. In addition to bacterial infections, earrings are used as foreign foreign bodies, which will also lead to defensive inflammatory response occurring in the pierced area. If the infection of the ears is not treated in time, it may grow into scars and more serious consequences.

Wang Xiaoyang, deputy director of the dermatology department of Beijing Anzhen Hospital: If we continue to inflammation after wearing an ears, there will be red and swollen heat pain. If we have not been treated, the infection may further deteriorate and spread to the surroundings. The lymph nodes around the puncture may occur. In a very serious case, it may cause the infection and distribution of bacteria throughout the body.

Experts suggest that you can choose regular hospitals and institutions as much as possible. Time can be selected at the end of March and September. The temperature is moderate and not infected and conducive to repair.

The doctor reminded that if you need to wash your face and clean your hair, try to ensure that the piercing parts do not dip the water. If possible, you can choose to use 75%of alcohol for disinfection and wipe.

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