104 people confirm and first sieve positive!The source of the infection here has not been found, and there is a social communication!

Author:Harbin Daily Time:2022.09.05

The latest news learned from the press conference of Guiyang Gui'an New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Extraction: As of 11:00 on September 4, 2022, 5 cases of accumulated reports in the this round of the epidemic in Guiyang City, 22 cases of non -symptoms, 9 10 newly -positive infections on the 3rd on the 3rd have been closed to General Mountain Hospital for treatment.

In addition to the positive cases that have been publicly notified above, there are still 77 cases of positive sieve positive, with a total of 104 cases. In addition, 40 people with abnormal 40 mixed mixed detection results have been completed. out. As the test results of the first round of nucleic acid testing have been reported, positive data will continue to increase.

As of 10:00 on September 4th, a total of 491 people in Guiyang have found a total of 491 people, and 1083 people have been investigated.

This epidemic strain in Guiyang City is the new crown virus Omikon BA.2.76 mutant strain

On the morning of September 4, 2022, the news office of the Guiyang Municipal People's Government held the third press conference on prevention and control of the epidemic prevention and control of new crown pneumonia. The reporter learned from the press conference that the gene sequencing of the Laboratory of the Guizhou Provincial Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is clear: Guiyang's epidemic strain is the new crown virus Omikon BA.2.76 mutant strains, which are popular in Tibet, Chengdu and other places. The strains are the same. The strain has a greater transmission, faster transmission, and more hidden transmission than other strains.

Judging from the current epidemic situation and epidemiological survey, the source of this epidemic infection and the spread chain have not yet been found. At present, most infected people are related to the Land Agricultural Products Logistics Park in Shiban Town, Huaxi District. Large, extensive social activities, there are cross -regional social transmission, and the epidemic situation is very severe.

Based on the above characteristics, combined with the domestic and new crown epidemic prevention and control experience, conducting the test of all -staff nucleic acid testing in some urban areas to facilitate the discovery of new crown pneumonia cases and asymptomatic infections as soon as possible, and implement accurate prevention and control, which is conducive to residents to restore normal life as soon as possible Production order.

After comprehensive research and judgment of the epidemic prevention and control experts, it was decided to carry out regional nucleic acid screening in some urban areas in Guiyang.

In order to ensure the orderly and rapid development of nucleic acid screening in the area, ensure that all screening objects should be inspected and not leaked. I hope that the general public will actively cooperate and strongly support. In addition to collecting nucleic acids, try not to go out as much as possible. After the arrangements of the staff, do a good job of personal protection, and follow the designated time, do not collect or gather at the designated location, and carry out nucleic acid testing in an orderly manner. Citizens are requested not to panic, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, and actively cooperate with regional nucleic acid screening, continue to maintain a good habit of wearing masks, shampooing, and often ventilating. Immune barrier.

The situation of the epidemic situation has continued to expand in severe silence management and risk zone

According to the latest news from the reporter from the press conference of Guiyang Gui'an New Crown Pneumonia's epidemic situation: On September 2nd, Guiyang City implemented a silent management of Huaxi District. Corresponding nucleic acid screening is performed again. According to the development situation of the epidemic, the Huaguyuan area is implemented in a silent management of the area and screened the whole nucleic acid. According to the results of the screening results, Guiyang City was judged overnight, and the 10 areas of Huaguo Garden were designated as high -risk areas in the early morning of September 4, and 4 areas were designated as medium -risk areas. Risk zone. In addition, 4 cases of first -sieve positive cases were also reported in the sweet town of Yunyan District. At present, Guiyang has been closed in the area.

The "refund re -signing" policy of Guiyang's three major railway stations came!

At 10 am today (September 4), the reporter saw in the waiting hall of Guiyang North Station that there are currently fewer people at the station, but the staff and epidemic prevention personnel have entered the "wartime state". It is understood that on September 3, the number of passengers at Guiyang North Station sent about 30,000, only half of the usual usual.

In order to actively cooperate with the changes in the prevention and control measures of the Guizhou Province and meet the needs of passengers' refund and signing, we have purchased the station and the station before 24:00 on September 3 and the station. Each train of the 19th stations such as West, Huaxi South, Huaxi University Town, Jinyang, and Hu Chaodong will be exempted from the refund fees when valid tickets are refunded.

"If the passengers buy a coupon ticket, then his subsequent valid tickets can be refunded in our station tickets to the ticket window for a refund fee." Chen Yuxue, a duty member of Guiyang North Station, told reporters.

In response to the severe situation of the current prevention and control of the epidemic, the three major railway stations in Guiyang actively contacted the local epidemic prevention departments to timely grasp the latest epidemic prevention and control requirements and changes, and actively cooperate with the territory to do a good job of temperature and codes in entering the station. The station's large screen, the ticket hall landing announcement screen, broadcasting, etc. have vigorously promoted the prevention requirements of epidemic prevention, strengthen the disinfecting work on key parts such as the waiting room, entry and exit channels, organize propaganda forces, and advise the waiting passengers to regulate wearing masks.

At present, there is no traitor at the station. Once, the station will immediately start the emergency plan.

In addition, in order to understand the latest epidemic prevention policies in a timely manner, passengers can also understand the latest epidemic policies in various places by clicking on the "more" function in the railway 12306APP.

Source: Red Star News, CCTV News Client, Dynamic Guizhou


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