Sichuan yesterday added 105 new local diagnosis cases, and 80 cases of new native non -symptoms were added

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.05

The latest situation of the new type of coronary virus pneumonia in Sichuan Province

(Published on September 5)

At 0-24 on September 4, the latest situation of the new crown pneumonia in the province is as follows:

105 new local confirmed cases: 90 cases in Chengdu, 6 cases of Yibin, 3 cases of Aba, 1 case of Deyang, 1 case of Mianyang, 1 case of Panzhihua; 3 cases from previous asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases (1 case in Chengdu, Neijiang, Neijiang, Neijiang1 case, 1 case of Liangshan).

There were 80 new natives of infection: 50 cases in Chengdu, 17 cases of Aba, 7 cases of Dazhou, 4 cases in Nanchong, 1 case of Deyang, and 1 case of Ganzi.

3 cases of new overseas input diagnosis (in Chengdu).

7 cases of asymptomatic infection were added (in Chengdu).

There were 26 new cases of hospitalization, no suspected cases, no new death cases.

(Specific cases of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections shall be notified by the relevant cities (states) Health and Health Commission)

Source: Health Sichuan Guanwei

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