Do not care about the chest pain, the ECG test is normal?The middle -aged boy even a week later ...

Author:Pole news Time:2022.09.05

Jimu Journalist Liu Xun Wang Chenxi

Correspondent Ying Hui

The middle -aged man recently had a pain in his chest, and the electrocardiogram and other general examinations showed that it was normal. He rejected the doctor for further examination and went home. Who knew that one week later, his heart facial infarction, which caused heart failure, which was sighing.

Not long ago, the 52 -year -old Mr. Liu (Hua's surname) had a pain in his chest, and it relieved himself in a few minutes. Recently, when he went to the hospital for treatment, the electrocardiogram and other general examinations were normal. However, the doctor suspected that he had a coronary heart disease and repeatedly asked him to do a coronary angiography or coronary CT examination, but Mr. Liu always claimed to be strong and declined the doctor's suggestion. Unexpectedly, a week later, he had a sudden myocardial infarction and was treated in the hospital ICU (intensive care unit) for 4 weeks before leaving danger, but because of the damage of myocardium, it caused heart failure and seriously affecting work and quality of life.

"If he listened to the doctor before, he did a check and intervened early, and he would not come to this step." Speaking of Mr. Liu's illness experience, Lu Jinguo, director of the Cardiovascular Hospital of Hubei Province, Black. He said: "Many diseases are the result of long -term accumulation. I hope that patients can consult the physician with the convenience of the Internet and eliminate some diseases in the bud. Just like a tire drum, hurry up to change the tire. Go to repair the car. The same is true of coronary heart disease. If you can diagnose and treat early, you can also avoid the occurrence of myocardial infarction and heart function. "

Director Lu Jinguo is analyzing the condition. The picture is provided by the respondent

Lu Jinguo said that prevention of disease prevention is more important than treating diseases. There are two important ways to diagnose coronary heart disease: first, coronary angiography, it is the "gold standard" of the diagnosis of coronary heart disease; The non -invasive examination can show the stenosis of the plaque and the lumen on the coronary vein wall.

Who should do coronary angiography or coronary CT examination? Lu Jinguo suggested that elderly men, women who have menopause after menopause, have long -term high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obese people, a large number of smokers, unhealthy lifestyles, or family history of coronary heart disease. People, especially those with uncomfortable breasts, can relieve themselves for a few minutes or ten minutes, it is best to check as soon as possible. If you find coronary heart disease and intervene early, you can effectively avoid the occurrence of sudden death or heartogenesis.

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