Good mood and psychologist: Why do mental patients have hallucinations?

Author:Good mood platform Time:2022.09.06

What is the world in the eyes of patients with schizophrenia?

A foreign net red painter named Kate painted his situation when he became onset and shared it on Facebook.

She said that she often appeared in front of her eyes, spiders with three eyes, evil clowns, and eyes with different shapes ...

(Picture source: Network)

She also often heard noisy speech, some men and women. When she was irritable and angry, a voice would confuse her to destroy everything ...

These hallucinations once made Kate live in fear every day, very painful.

Seeing this, many friends are curious: What happened to the brain of schizophrenia? Why does the illusion and nonsense of hallucinations and nonsense?

Good mood editor here to reveal the secret for you, and also invited experts from Beijing Huilongguan Hospital to teach you how to eliminate hallucinations. We will look down ~

Why do patients with schizophrenia have hallucinations?

In the past, people believed that schizophrenia was a functional disease, but some scholars now believe that it is also related to the abnormal brain structure of the patient.

Because human spiritual activity is controlled by the brain, the normal brain structure produces normal nerve activity, and abnormal brain structure produces abnormal neural activity.

So how is the brain of patients with schizophrenia different from normal people?

We all know that the brain is connected by the left and right brain hemispheres with the help of 胼 胝, and each hemisphere is divided into frontal lobe, temporal lobe, top lobe and pillow leaf. Different brain and brain return have different functions and undertake different tasks.

(Picture source: Network)

A study published on Psychiatry Research: NeuroImaging shows that compared with normal people, the brain volume of mental schizophrenia is significantly reduced, especially in the volume of the frontal leather cortex and temporal lobe cortex, which is as positive as the various positives of schizophrenia. It is related to negative symptoms.

Like the symptoms of phantom listening, it is not only related to the reduction of gray quality of the upper temporal back, the inner forehead, and down the forehead.

The symptoms of delusions are mainly related to the decrease in gray quality in the temporal lobe, forehead and right top leaves and the reduction of the volume of white matter in the inner temporal lobe.

After these structures have abnormalities, the neural network function that is closely connected to them will cause disorders, causing patients to feel the failure of integration, and then symptoms such as hallucinations, illusion, and delusional symptoms.

This is like a telephone exchange table. If the wiring is correct, the activity is normal; when the exchange table is wrong, the cable is wrong or has a signal, but it will not be wiring. Smile, cry, should not cry, should not move, should not be turmoil.

Then the question is -

Will the symptoms of patients with schizophrenia worsen with age?

Good mood psychologist: schizophrenia will improve or worsen, which actually has a lot to do with the patient's treatment attitude!

If systematic specifications can be performed under the guidance of a doctor, the symptoms of most patients can be relieved or even disappeared; on the contrary, if the patient cannot cooperate with the treatment and always stop the drug without authorization, then the condition of deterioration is the inevitable result.

In addition to the symptoms of hallucinations and delusions, patients may also have the following "abnormal" performance:

● Language: Patients speak messy or unique, giving a feeling of "nonsense";

● Social aspects: Patients do not like to participate in social activities, and even indifferent to family and relatives. Some patients will become too attached to a certain person;

● In terms of appetite: Some patients may have overeating due to hallucinations, and patients who are delusional may be unwilling to eat because they are afraid of others.

● Sleep: Patients always have nightmares or difficulty falling asleep;

All of these manifestations suggest that the condition is deteriorating. Once the patients are found to have these signs, they must take him to the hospital in time.

How can patients with schizophrenia drive away hallucinations?

Regarding this issue, Director Yan of the Department of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Beijing Huilongguan Hospital, gave a "6-character policy": early treatment was given early.

Director Yan said that generally speaking, mental patients who are in the acute seizure, after about 3 months of treatment, about 80%of patients' symptoms will be relieved or disappeared.

So how to treat the illusion of patients with schizophrenia?

闫主任介绍道,我们可以使用利培酮、奥氮平、布南色林、阿立哌唑等抗精神病药来进行治疗,但到底用哪种药物,需要结合患者的体质情况、躯体情况以及The frequency of psychiatric symptoms and other aspects is selected.

Finally, after emphasizing, we must treat systematic specifications. Do not stop the medicine without authorization to avoid repeated or deteriorating the condition ~


[1] Huang Haixia, Chen Jian. Schizophrenia CT changes and related analysis [J]. Image research and medical application, 2021.

[2] Liang Jialin, Xie Yan, Ku Yixuan. The connection between brain network characteristics and symptoms of schizophrenia [J].

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[EB/OL] . /pub/wml.html, 1998-08-16/1998-10-01.

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