Psychological experts teach you 5 tricks to get your children's restlessness and irritability when studying at home

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.06

Cover reporter Zhou Limei

"I can't concentrate on the Internet class, what should I do?"

"Home learning, particularly low efficiency, and chaotic time management. How can I adjust?"

"Every day at home, I have to be nagged by my parents. I always feel annoying and irritable. What should I do if I don't want to learn?"


On September 5, Chengdu Primary and Middle Schools have fully launched online teaching. During home study, if there are various emotions such as anxiety, panic, anger, and irritability, how should you adjust your mentality and restore normal learning and living conditions? The reporter interviewed the Master of Applied Psychology of Sichuan University, a second -level psychological counselor, and Wu Shuling, a psychological teacher of Longjiang Road Primary School in Chengdu.

Wu Shuling

What should I do if my child is not in the state?

When the school meets the epidemic, the students can only stop at home for the time being. The learning and lifestyle of the home has changed. When the original rhythm of life is disrupted, some negative emotions may be produced.

See and accept emotions

"Some classmates will be irritable, anxious, worried, and even afraid. Some students will feel bored, empty, and lonely." Wu Shuling believes that the fluctuations of these emotions are normal. Students must learn to accept emotions and care about themselves about themselves. Psychological state, perceive your emotions, see if you are too immersed in negative emotions. If you find that you have negative emotions, the first step is to see it and accept it. Decance yourself.

Self -dialogue, positive psychological hints

After seeing and accepting emotions, you can try different ways to adjust your emotions. "Deep breathing and sports are the fastest and simplest ways to regulate emotional regulation." Secondly, students can also smile at myself in the mirror and tell myself: "I can handle this." "I have a way to let myself let myself Happy. "" Come on! Everything will get better. "..." This is a self -care ability. A positive psychological suggestion can help us get out of trouble quickly. "Wu Shuling said.

Know how to be grateful and enhance happiness

During the home study, in addition to the law of work and rest and reasonable time management, Wu Shuling also encouraged students to do more meaningful and interesting things, such as housework, handicrafts, reading, painting ... enriching her own Life enhances the sense of meaning and value of self -existence. At the same time, you can write a gratitude diary and record 3 things worth than gratitude every day, because complaints can help us discover the "little luck" in life and enhance happiness.

Active communication, learn to share

When encountering a bad mood, Wu Shuling suggested that students contact their loved ones, friends, and teachers, call a voice or video phone, and talk about your current situation. "Don't hide your feelings, let alone avoid talking about your pain with others because he is embarrassed. You must find someone in time to let others have the opportunity to understand you, approach you, and help you." For negative emotions, students do not have to be too sensitive and sensitive to Tastest, there is no need to deny your own feelings, and actively understand and accept the existence of negative emotions in order to better regulate emotions and relax.

How to avoid parent -child conflicts?

Self -awareness and adjustment are important

"My" Little God Beast "has always been a variety of restlessness recently, and frequently 'moves', I really can't stand it." "We have to work at home and counsel the child to learn. At home learning, many parent -child relationships become nervous. What should I do if parents are easy to get out of control?

"Self -awareness and adjustment are important!" Wu Shuling said that parents should face up to their emotions. When negative emotions strike, they should accept the occurrence of emotions and give themselves a positive time to suspend their parents. Story, handmade, etc. "When our adults are in a stable psychological state, we will not bring emotions to their children, so that children can demonstrate the correct response to the epidemic and help children establish confidence."

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