Is it fraud or flow?Just look at these 7 questions

Author:Shenzhen and Shanshan Viewpoin Time:2022.09.06

I, a community grid member in Shenzhen.

For 3 years, if you use a book to describe my career, it is--

This morning, after the phone call was hung up 31 times, was reported to blackened 26 times, was forced to crazy by the accent 17 times, and was deliberately detoured in the circle for half an hour. Because I asked me to send him the egg twice twice ...




We ushered in a short time.

While brushing the circle of friends while stepping the rice, I brushed it to our neighbor ...

So, I had to reply silently:

"Sister, it's me ... I am a customer service stream in" part -time "."

In recent years, the results who can most intuitively feel the results of the National Anti -Fraud Center APP is our flowers.

But the real flow call and fraud phone, ordinary people are still easy to distinguish--

for example

Look at the beginning, length and belonging of the number

Another example

Listening to the phone and asking what I asked


This "nanny level" anti -fraud strategy

Hurry up into the collection clip


What is flowing?

The full name of the current is an epidemiological survey, that is, to understand ——

In the past important time period, the road you have traveled, the people you met, and what happened, whether there is the possibility of spreading the disease or the risk of being infectious.

This process is actually the same as Holmes. It is the same as Holmes.

Finding people with risks such as secrets and secondary dense connections, and found the main causes of the popularity of the disease, and adopted accurate prevention and control measures.


Why do you want to do streaming?

Streaming is the key to the control of the epidemic. The information collected by the flow can play a key role in effectively curbing the epidemic.

Tracking patient's activity trajectory and source of infection;

Evaluate the scope of the epidemic situation, and designate risk areas;

Tracking close contacts and investigating risks;

It is the basic basis for carrying out risk assessment and formulating epidemic prevention and control policies.


Who may be tone?

Suspected case

Confirmed case

Asymptomatic infection

Those who have close contact or common exposure with the above personnel and suspicious pollution environment or items.


What will the flowers ask?

✎ Personal information

Name, age, where home lives, a few people at home, the current location ...

✎ Health status

Is it uncomfortable recently? Do you have to seek medical treatment recently? Whether there are abnormal conditions such as fever and cough, whether you have done nucleic acid testing, vaccination ...

History of Tourism in the Epidemic Area

Whether to travel to the epidemic area, have passed, stopped, passed, to the place where ...

History of Living in the Epidemic Area

Where is your hometown? Did you go back to live?

✎The personnel in case contact

Together with passengers, close -up communication, home members, colleagues and classmates ...

所 Place of stay and activities

Living place, place of work, and places where dinner, shopping, entertainment, etc.

✎ Transportation

Whether to take a plane, train, car, ship, taxi, taxi, subway, bus ...

✎ Other necessary information

Useful information on disease prevention and control.


Can't ask what?

But pay attention not to be deceived! In these 7 things, the flowers will never ask ——

Ask the question that property is not related to the spread of the disease;

Send the QR code for any reason for you to scan;

Find you to ask for a bank card number, password or verification code;

Send the link for any reason for you to click;

Promoting any product or asking you to pay for any reason;

Let you transfer money and perform the so -called "funding".

If you have any questions about the epidemic, you can take the initiative to contact Weijian (Disease Control) department or street community staff to verify. Suspected of encountering fraud, you can call the 96110 national anti -fraud line for consultation.


The flowers call you, what should I do?

According to the "Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China", citizens have legal obligations, cooperate with supporting flow work, and provide real and detailed information to the streaming personnel. If you refuse to cooperate and conceal the situation intentionally, the dissemination of the epidemic will be punished in accordance with the law. In cases of treatment and isolation, it is necessary to keep the phone and WeChat unblocked.

When receiving a flow call, stabilize, don't panic first. The flow is not equal to being infected.

When you encounter a stream personnel to visit or call or ask for inquiries on WeChat, please cooperate with you, carefully review the recent schedule, and answer truthfully.

Because just like seeing a doctor, doctors can give the correct diagnosis and treatment only when obtaining accurate disease information. Only by obtaining real and effective crowd information can flowers scientifically evaluate the dynamics of the epidemic and take correct prevention and control measures.


Will flow tone protect privacy?

Must be!

In the process of flow, citizens' personal information and privacy are protected by law, and the personal privacy information obtained is strictly confidential.


How to distinguish the flow call

Call with scams?

① Look at "appearance"

At the beginning of "00" or "+", and the number of more than 11 at the beginning, it is an overseas phone, which is basically a fraud phone call!

The phone that does not display the belonging place, or the number of belonging places shows "unknown", is basically fraud!

During a special period, it is necessary to answer the local fixed -line or mobile phone call! After hearing it, it is a wise move to make a judgment.

in addition

If you see this number come in

Must take over

Must take over

Must take over


It's not a fraud phone, you must answer it!

This is the young lady in the community

Call the phone to verify the epidemic prevention information

Be sure to pick it up!

② Listen to "content"

The flow adjustment will ask some personal information. It is worth noting that in order to improve the efficiency of the flow work, some flowing work will use AI intelligent voice, but the problem is according to the standard process above. If the dialogue involves seven things that flowers will never ask, it is definitely a fraud phone call!

③ Try to "call back"

The calls used by the streaming personnel are basically local fixed -line or mobile phone numbers. If you are not relieved, you can call it back, and most of the calls that cannot be called normally are fraud calls.


If you are judged to be confidential, you need to be isolated

What will happen?

Generally, the personnel notification of the centers of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention tells why it is judged to be confidential. The information inquiring is mainly to check the personal information and confirm the current location. According to the different amount of information, the questions that may be asked are different.

Note that you must pay attention--

The streaming personnel of the Disease Control Center will not allow the isolated person to go somewhere. Generally, it is recommended that they do not move in place, do personal protection, try not to contact others. Temporary control and transfer of transfer.

Source: Shenzhen Disease Control Center


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