Meizhou: Entering the cinema, indoor gymnasium and other places must hold 48 hours of nucleic acid negative proof

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.09.07

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Qiu Ruini Dangerous Peak

On September 6, Meizhou's new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control headquarters issued a notice on strengthening the prevention and control measures of social epidemic (No. 9, 2022). The specific content is as follows:

According to the current situation of the epidemic, in order to ensure the health of the people, we will notify the prevention and control measures of the social epidemic situation as follows:

1. All entering the song and dance entertainment venues (karaoke, KTV), beauty hairdressing venues, bathing places (foot bath, bath, massage massage, spa), Internet cafes, bars, game halls, script killing, chess room (Mahjong) (Mahjong) (Mahjong) , Gym, swimming pools, theaters, cinemas, indoor gymnasiums, amusement parks (fields), tourist attractions indoor venues and other places must hold 48 hours of nucleic acid negative proof.

2. The city's hotels, hotels and other accommodation places must strictly implement the "place code" to check the health code and itinerary (for those who have a history of living in other provinces and cities in other provinces and cities must urge the implementation of the "three days and two inspections"). Relevant epidemic prevention and control requirements should be implemented for clustering activities organized in hotels and hotels.

3. Various public places, villages (communities), residential communities, office buildings (office buildings), factories and enterprises in the city must strictly strengthen management, implement masks, temperature measurement, scan the "place code", check the health code and itinerary card, etc. Prevention and control measures. Takeaway, express delivery, housekeeping services, decoration, repair, loading and unloading and other personnel must hold 72 hours of nucleic acid negative certificate or nucleic acid sampling vouchers on the day.

4. Various public places and tourist attractions in the city must implement the requirements of "appointments, peaks, and current limits", and strictly control the number of receptions does not exceed 75%of the number of approved. Personnel and risk professional personnel in key institutions must strictly follow the requirements of nucleic acid testing to implement nucleic acid testing to ensure that "inspections should be inspected and one person should not be dropped."

5. In accordance with the principle of "non -necessary and not organized", strictly control large -scale conferences, training, performances, talent recruitment, exhibition and other agglomeration activities. Indeed, in accordance with the requirements of "who is organized, who is responsible, who organizes, who is responsible", strictly compacts the responsibilities of all parties, strictly controls the number of people, formulates the prevention and control work plan and emergency plan, and strictly implements various epidemic prevention measures.

6. Citizens should consciously abide by the regulations of epidemic prevention, pay close attention to the dynamics of domestic epidemic, consciously develop the habit of epidemic prevention, adhere to good health habits, and do a good job of self -health monitoring. For example, in the past 7 days, there are local positive cases to report the history of the county (cities, districts, flags) to live (return) personnel who live in (back), and report to the village (community), units, hotels or "Healthy Meizhou" applets as soon as possible , Implement health management according to relevant requirements. Advocating the foreign market (back) the person who comes (back) to Mei will be close to Mei, and the nucleic acid detection "three days and two tests" will be performed as soon as possible (two nucleic acid detection time interval is more than 24 hours).

The above measures will be implemented from now until October 2022, and dynamic adjustments are required according to the need for epidemic prevention and control. The territories, departments, units, and individuals shall fulfill relevant responsibilities, and abide by the prevention and control of epidemic conditions issued by the state and provinces and municipalities. Those who violate the provisions of the epidemic spread will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng School

Responsible editor | Wu Anqi

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