Guiyang's multi -region is silently managed, and a letter of residents caused by the Huaguo Park area in Nanming District: is going all out to solve the problem of living materials

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.09.08

On September 7,#9 9#On Weibo hot search.

On the morning of September 7th, the headquarters of the new crown pneumonia epidemic situation in Nanming District issued the "Letter of a Friend of Residents in the Huoguyuan District of Nanming District". The specific content is as follows:

At present, the epidemic situation in the Huaguo Park area of ​​Nanming District is severe and complicated, and the diffusion trend is becoming more and more fierce. There are many confirmed cases. According to the relevant provisions of the "New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Prevention Plan (Ninth Edition)", the Huaguyuan area implements the silent management of the area. Affected by the epidemic, residents and friends have stagnated production and life, and difficult to procure life. In this regard, we are trying our best to solve the treatment, we will do our best to curb the risk of epidemic dissemination and ensure the basic living needs of residents.

Since the epidemic occurred, medical workers from all over the province sent medical workers to the area of ​​Huaguo Park to conduct all -employed nucleic acid testing. Enthusiasts of all sectors of society donated living materials. Our district also integrates large -scale supermarkets such as Fresh Fresh and Yonghui Supermarkets, and mixes material support to support the prevention and control of the Huaguo Park area across the city. In order to open up the last mile of the delivery, our district has formed nearly a thousand personnel distribution teams with property companies, supermarket employees, and community volunteers to carry out materials distribution in an orderly manner to give priority to ensuring the needs of people in difficult people and the people of sealing and controlling buildings.

Previously, although we worked hard to consider many optimization plans and mobilized the strength of all parties, due to insufficient experience and poor methods, some residents were still lining up late at night to wait for samples. We feel deeply guilty and apologize for this. Guiyang City, warm and warm Guiyang, the epidemic is not dispersion, we do not retreat! A package, with our apology, also expressed our greeting. We firmly believe that under your support, tolerance and understanding, we will work together and overcome difficulties, and we will be able to win the battle against this epidemic.

Just the night before, a document of "Guizhou Forest Wild Zoo purchases animal feed to the society" was circulated on the Internet.

"Due to the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, a zoo in Guizhou was closed on September 5, 2022. However, the farm of wild animals in the park is huge, 70%of the national first and second -level rare wild animals. Feed during dynamic management during the future.

现向全社会求助申购:活鸡125KG/日,冰冻鸡骨架1190KG,苹果800KG,胡萝卜1700KG,芹菜120KG,西红柿300KG,香蕉420KG,西瓜400KG,冰冻鸡胸脯250KG,牛肉50KG,白菜1200KG,泥鳅25KG,冻螃蟹25KG,冻虾尾25KG,猪肉100KG,鸡蛋1250枚,活鱼(鲤鱼、鲫鱼、草鱼均可)25KG,面包虫35KG,葡萄(提子均可)90KG,莴笋150KG,,红椒23KG, , 50 hoe, 100kg of lotus white, 120kg red, 60kg of cucumber, 15kg of cantaloupe.

Please contact us with the above materials, thank you for your support, resist the other than the disease, and build peace. "

Guizhou Forest Wild Zoo is located in Xiuwen County, Guiyang City. Jimu Journalists learned from the zoo that the government has helped help the purchase of animal rations, and the purchase volume can be maintained for about 10 days. The garden party thanked the society for their care.

According to previous reports, on September 2nd, Guiyang implemented a calm management of the entire domain of Huaxi District. After completing the first round of full -member nucleic acid screening, the whole nucleic acid screening was performed on September 3 on September 3; , And also implemented the entire region of the Huaguo Garden area, and conducted a full -scale nucleic acid screening. In the early morning of September 5th, Guiyang issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Temporary Static Management of Temporary Static Management in some areas of Guiyang City", and decided to start from 0:00 on the 5th to 8:00 on the basis of the detection of full -member nucleic acid detection in the early stage. In the field of Shanhu District, five areas of Yunyan District, and other areas outside the Huaguoyuan area of ​​Nanming District, the four -day temporary static management is implemented. At 0-24 on September 6, Guiyang added 13 positive cases, 1 diagnosis of new crown pneumonia, and 12 diagnosis as asymptomatic infected with new crown pneumonia. As of 24:00 on September 6, Guiyang City reported a total of 7 confirmed cases and 53 asymptomatic infected infections. Among them, asymptomatic infected people 1 turned to a confirmed case on September 2.

Source: Published by Guiyang, Guizhou Daily, Jimu News, etc.

Edit: Liu Dan

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