"Tongxin resistance" Jiang'an County Aimin Hospital helps the epidemic prevention and control shows that private hospitals act as

Author:Tongxin Sichuan Time:2022.09.09

The epidemic is command, prevention and control is responsibility. This is not only a slogan, but also a responsibility and mission for the disease -controlling person who fights for the first -line epidemic prevention and control. In this Jiang'an County epidemic prevention and control work, there are such groups of people who prevent and control the front line. They are medical staff of Jiangan Aimin Hospital.

On September 8th, Jiang'an Aimin Hospital received a notice from the task of Jiang'an County Health and Health Bureau to be responsible for the testing of nucleic acid testing in Hongqiao Town, Shigang Village, and Gutu Village, Hongqiao Town, Jiang'an County. Aimin Hospital heard the order, listening to the order, quickly organized and arranged 7 sampling staff, arrived at the task point at 7:00 in the morning to start nucleic acid testing, and successfully completed the collection of nucleic acids of more than 3,000 people.

Zhu Decai, the person in charge of Jiang'an Aimin Hospital, said that in order to prevent and control the prevention and control of the epidemic, everyone linked and united. As a medical staff, we are even more responsible for loans and righteousness. I believe that with the joint efforts of all sectors of society, we can defeat the epidemic as soon as possible. As a private hospital, it will also continue to practice the purpose of the behavior of the people, to make due obligations and responsibilities for the fight against the epidemic, and help win this epidemic blocking war.

(Contribution of the Jiang'an County Party Committee of the Communist Party of China)

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