Qingdao Disease Control reminder: timely completion of the new crown vaccine to vaccinate and strengthen needle vaccination

Author:Network Time:2022.09.11

Xinwang, September 11th, on September 11, the Qingdao Disease Prevention and Control Center issued a reminder that citizens were requested to complete the new crown vaccine in time and enhance the needle vaccination. The full text is as follows. (Xinwang reporter)

Recently, the epidemic of new crown pneumonia in some neighboring countries and regions in my country has rebounded rapidly. The domestic epidemic is more distributed and the local outbreak characteristics are prominent. The epidemic in Guangdong, Qinghai, and Tibet is still high. In the rising period, many cities in the province have continuously entered an epidemic in the province, and the recent situation of prevention and control of the city's epidemic situation is also severe and complicated.

Vaccination is still the most direct and effective means to prevent new crown pneumonia, which is obvious for reducing severe illnesses and death.

The Qingdao Centers for Disease Control and Prevention here specially reminds:

Citizens who have not vaccinated the new crown vaccine, especially the elderly who are over 60 years old who meet the conditions of vaccination, should be vaccinated in time; citizens who have completed the new crowned vaccine and adenovirus carrier vaccine have been completed in a timely manner. We still cannot relax their vigilance and insist on doing personal protection.

In response to the recent questions about the vaccination of the new crown vaccine, the municipal illness and control answers here

Why should the elderly vaccinate the new crown vaccine?

According to my country's epidemic situation, most of the young people who vaccinated the vaccine throughout the process can spend it safely, and most of the inpatient patients are those who have not vaccinated vaccines. At the same time Main object. The older the age, the higher the incidence of crisis cases, and the higher the mortality rate.

After continuous mutation of the new coronal virus, the propagation is stronger. Even if the vaccine was infected, most of them were treated and eventually defeated the virus. However, for the elderly who do not have vaccines, due to various basic diseases, the risk is higher under the same conditions, the infection rate is higher under the same risk, and the mortality rate of disease is higher under the same infection rate.

The best way to avoid critical condition for the elderly is to increase the vaccination rate of new crown vaccines.

Where to inoculate the new crown vaccine?

All citizens who meet the conditions of vaccination can go to the vaccination point near the place of residence.

What should I pay attention to before and after vaccination?

Before the vaccination, the doctor who is registered for the pre -examination and registered doctor must be appraised by the doctor's evaluation.

After the vaccination, be sure to inform the staff of the outpatient clinic for 30 minutes. If a adverse reaction occurs, please inform the doctor to deal with it in time.

After returning home, if you have discomfort, please contact the vaccination clinic in time. If the situation is serious, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Can the elderly with chronic disease be vaccinated?

There are no other taboos, stable health conditions, and chronic patients with good drug control can also inoculate new crown vaccines.

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