September 11th to 24:00 on the city's diagnosis of new crown pneumonia cases

Author:Nanjing released Time:2022.09.12

Epidemic notice

According to the Provincial Health Commission released on September 12, at 0-24 on September 11, 2022, 1 case (light type) diagnosed in the city's diagnosis of local confirmed cases, which was discovered by concentrated isolation points for the confidentiality of La Ning personnel in other provinces.

The above -mentioned confirmed cases have been closed to the isolation treatment of designated medical institutions, and the current situation is stable.

Local confirmed cases

Case: Female, 54 years old, lived in 71 buildings in the East District of Mihongqiao Street, Qixia District, Qiqiaoqiao Street, Qixia District. Concentrated isolation began on September 8. The results of nucleic acid testing on the 8th and 9th were negative. On the 10th, the results of the nucleic acid detection were positive. On the 11th, the diagnosis was a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia.


Recently, the local clustering epidemic has been reported in many places in the country. There are multiple transmission chains, and the situation of the epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated. Citizens are requested to continue to strengthen their awareness of prevention, and they must not go to risk areas and areas with local cases. Pay attention to the official release of the authoritative information of the epidemic, the dynamics of the domestic epidemic, and the changes in risky areas, do not believe in rumors, do not spread the rumors, always maintain vigilance, strict prevention, and support control measures.

Start wearing a mask in the place where the personnel gathering and indoor space are still insisted. Entering public places such as shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, etc., actively cooperate with masks and codes to test temperature, and queue up, pay, talk, exercise, visit, and shop. Pay attention to maintaining a social distance of more than 1 meter. When participating in nucleic acid testing, wear a mask, keep one meter distance, do not talk or gather. Once symptoms such as fever and dry cough occur, it should be treated in time in a timely manner under the premise of personal protection.

In particular, please (back) personnel who live in the history of medium and high risk areas or the county (cities, districts, flags) in the county (city, district, flag), and the personnel from the province (return) Ning. The personnel information declaration system "registration information, actively report to the unit, community or hotel, and cooperate with the implementation of various health management measures. It is recommended that (back) Ning personnel do not dinner, no gatherings, or to crowd -intensive places within 7 days. Come (back) Ning personnel should conduct a one -stop nucleic acid detection within 12 hours after arriving in Ning, and perform a nucleic acid detection (interval greater than 24 hours) within 3 days to avoid going to person -intensive places or participating in clustering activities. Traveling Standardize wearing masks. If the intentional concealment or failure to report in a timely manner will lead to the spread of the epidemic, it will bear the corresponding legal liability.


Epidemic prevention and control supervision phone number

Nanjing: 025-12320 (Extratery Consultation)

025-12345 (request)

Xuanwu District: 025-83682072

Qinhuai District: 025-87753722

Jianye District: 025-87778911

Gulou District: 025-83401049

Yuhuatai District: 025-52873890

Qixia District: 025-85570386

Jiangning District: 025-69640762

Pukou District: 025-58852736

Liuhe District: 025-57122120

Lishui District: 025-57202591

Gaochun District: 025-57311235

Jiangbei New District: 025-58050032

Source: Healthy Nanjing

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