What do you need to do as soon as you return after the holiday

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.09.13

The Mid -Autumn Festival holiday is over, and many people return from other places. So, what do you need to do as soon as you return after the holiday? It is self -evident that everyone who travels out should "take the initiative to report" after returning after the holiday. The active report here not only points to the community to take the initiative to report the holiday itinerary, but also includes active nucleic acid testing after returning to the ground, and try to go out as little as possible after returning home. , Reduce non -necessary "work contact".

These active reporting behaviors are to protect themselves while protecting others. They actively protect the epidemic. Because of the exfoliating characteristics of the epidemic and the high infection of the virus, it may lead to the epidemic situation in "in case". There are a large number of people in the scenic spot, and they will go to the hotel, scenic area, shopping, dining and other dense places. Among them, an epidemic occurs in any place, and people who are in it may be tight and infected.

The problem is that the discovery of the epidemic may be lagging. For example, a certain place occurred one day of the vacation and was discovered until the holiday. In this way, people who travel in this place will only know that they have moved in the place of epidemic after the return journey. If you take the initiative to report as soon as possible after returning, and make a good self -protection measure, even if you are really infected, you can avoid the spread of epidemic transmission caused by individuals to the greatest extent.

Some people may think that there is no epidemic in the place where they go to the holidays, and there is no need to report it after returning; others will feel that the report is troublesome, and after returning, they do not want to take the initiative to report it. These paralyzed thoughts must not be. The active report is to do a good job in preventing work in advance, which is the responsibility of individuals to perform. This responsibility is not optional, but to be responsible for yourself, responsibility to family, responsibility to others, and responsibility for the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control.

The long -term and normal nature of the epidemic prevention and control have been very clear. In this reality background, we need to emphasize that the government must make the prevention and control work in a detailed place. At the same time, each of us should actively cooperate and fully understand it. After going out during the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday, take the initiative to take various preventive measures such as reporting and nucleic acid testing to ensure that you have a responsible manner to spend a 7 -day "safety period" and reduce the risk of spreading the epidemic to zero from your own level. Because no one knows where he is traveling, will there be an epidemic "lagging discovery" after his holiday travel return. (Reporter Sun Weiguo)

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