Jiahua Dongzhu Zhang Xiaohui went deep into various schools to supervise and guide the opening of school and epidemic prevention and control in the autumn semester

Author:Lingcheng Published Time:2022.09.14

On September 13th, Gagota East Pearl, the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and the leading group of the new crown pneumonia epidemic control joint prevention and control of the municipal school, Zhang Xiaohui, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister of Propaganda Department, and the Deputy Leadership of the Leading Group of the New Crown Pneumonia Urgent Control of the Municipal School Each school inspections and guidance in the autumn semester and the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, the person in charge of the Municipal Education Bureau accompanied the inspection.

From September 13th, various schools at all levels in the city have implemented wrong areas, levels, errors, and peaks. The inspection team went to State Tibetan Middle School, cooperative middle school, municipal junior high school, cooperative secondary middle school, municipal senior middle school and other schools. Track trajectory, nucleic acid detection, disinfection and disinfecting, epidemic prevention materials reserve, emergency plan formulation and so on.

The inspection team emphasized that the awareness of responsibility should be strengthened, the situation of the epidemic is constantly changing, and the difficulty, complexity and uncertainty of prevention and control work should be prominent. Schools and schools at all levels should perform their duties and do their duties to do a good job of starting the school. The prevention and control work "one case and six pictures", do a good job of positive guidance and scientific prevention, and make every effort to ensure the safety and health of teachers and students. It is necessary to strictly implement the measures for the prevention and control of the normalized epidemic, while doing a good job of preventing and controlling the disinfection and disinfecting of the school, accurately ariring teachers and students' information, strengthening the dynamic supervision of teachers and students and co -living staff, in accordance with the "three checks and one question" Related requirements to keep the campus safety door.

The inspection team requires that all schools should implement closed -loop management after the start of school, and strictly implement the "two points and one -line" control measures of schools and families (dormitories); continue to implement online teaching for temporarily returning students to ensure that they do not delay the progress of the curriculum; do it in advance; do it in advance Good epidemic prevention materials reserve, equipped with epidemic prevention items such as masks, disinfectants, temperature measuring meters; perform an emergency exercise of an epidemic prevention and control in combination with the actual situation; Primary and secondary schools and child care institutions' new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control technology plan (sixth edition) "requires various outbreak prevention and control work, and go all out to build a solid defense line for the prevention and control of the campus epidemic. (Li Yan, Municipal Education Bureau)

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