How to eat ginseng?Experts come to support

Author:Jilin Radio and TV Station Time:2022.09.14

The people who are "the king of hundred grass" are famous, but many people often don't know much about it. They dare not eat or eat. One misunderstanding of people's ginseng is: ginseng medicine is strong, and it is easy to "get angry" after taking it.

In fact, as early as 10 years ago, the former Ministry of Health approved the planters who were born below 5 and 5 years. Medical experts and ginseng experts said that ginseng has many health care functions such as improving immunity, regulating metabolic balance, improving sub -health, and regulating blood pressure. Most people eat everyday.

Ginseng medicine. Interviewee confidence

In response to many people who think that "ginseng is a drug and normal state can have side effects", Feng Jia, president and ginseng expert of Jilin Provincial Horticultural Specialty Association, said that the origin and development of traditional Chinese medicine are based on "medicine and food homology". In fact, ginseng is actually the same as jujube, hawthorn, garlic, etc., which are both medicinal materials and food. They can be eaten daily and play a health role. From the perspective of food toxic science, the key to the amount of food in any food is science and moderate.

In fact, my country's food ginseng has a long history, and the "ginseng" of the "盉" of the Shang Dynasty bronze food "盉". Experts have studied that the princes and nobles of the Shang Dynasty may have eaten ginseng. The folk is very popular with this "king of Baicao" and has many ways to eat. Through modern technology, in recent years, hundreds of people have gone ginseng food and health products in Jilin Province.

Zhang Wenfeng, Dean of the Basic Medical College of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, suggested that popular science should be increased, eliminating the misunderstanding and concept of "ginseng is not applicable to ordinary people", and allows the "King of Hundred Cao" to play a greater role in the construction of "Healthy China" Essence For ordinary people, you can refer to the appropriate amount of 1 to 3 grams per day. Ginseng health foods should be used strictly in accordance with the instructions.

The residents of Fusong County, the "Township of Chinese Ginseng" often entertain guests with people. Many of them reserve some ginseng and fresh ginseng, which can make a variety of gourmet cuisine with regional flavors. Fusong County has held a banquet in the Changbai Mountain Renxiang for many years. Among them, ginseng stewed hens, silk ginseng, ginseng silver ears, etc. become popular banquets.

The Jilin people ginseng cultural experts Yuan Yi and Wang Bofan pointed out in the book "The Most Chinese Ginseng" in his "Chinese Ginseng": Ginseng is a tonic, mainly supplementing qi, so the applicable population of users is mainly symptoms and symptoms of qi deficiency and qi deficiency and qi deficiency symptoms and qi deficiency symptoms and qi deficiency symptom Patients who have been healed at the beginning of the serious illness are manifested as pale, weak, and panting. For patients with anemia often have qi deficiency syndrome, such people can eat ginseng. People with weak and cold body can eat some red or mountain ginseng properly. People with diabetes can eat ginseng fruit and have hypoglycemic effects. Women with postpartum physical weaknesses can eat red ginseng. Patients with major bleeding are best to eat ginseng, followed by red ginseng. Normal people without diseases can also eat ginseng, which can achieve the purpose of nourishing the body, preventing diseases, and health care. In particular, the elderly, neurasthenians, strong brain labor and heavy physical workers, people who often use computers and mobile phones, people who are prone to colds, and people with low immunity and low sexual function are suitable for ginseng.

"Chinese ginseng is at the pharmacy, and Korean ginseng is at the dining table." Another experience of ginseng and South Korea, another person, is also worthy of our reference. South Korea clearly stipulates in its "Food Sanitation Law" and "Health Functional Food Law" that ginseng products are managed in accordance with food and health food management according to the content of soluble ginseng components; and specific use specifications are formulated for people of all ages. According to statistics from experts, South Korea ’s per capita consumption is 400 grams each year (about 20 times that of my country), and 80 % of human ginseng produced in South Korea is consumed in the form of food. (Reporter Zhou Changqing Wang Xiaolin Changchun report)

Original title: How to eat ginseng? Experts come to support

Source: Economic Reference News

Edit: Zhou Zhou

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