Latest release!Taiyuan Epidemic Prevention Office September 16 Health Tips

Author:Taiyuan Daily Time:2022.09.16

At 0-24 o'clock on September 15, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 102 new local diagnosis cases and 746 cases of non-symptoms infected. In order to further build the "external defense input and internal defense rebound" defense line, and resolutely keep the hard -control prevention and control results, the municipal epidemic prevention and control office health reminder:

1. Within 7 days, there is a domestic epidemic risk zone return (delegation) and personnel, especially since September 8th, Enshi City, Enshi Prefecture, Hubei Province; Ningming County, Chongzuo City, Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangxi; Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province; Luzhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province, Luancheng District, Shijiazhuang City; Shenhe District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province; Liaocheng District, Luzhou City, Anhui Province; Binhai New District, Maoming City, Guangdong Province; Yunyan District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province; Wanxing Street, Nankai District, and other people who live in the history of residential history should immediately take the initiative to report to the residential community (village), unit or staying in hotels, and cooperate with the implementation of various epidemic prevention such as nucleic acid detection, isolation observation, and health monitoring. Control measures.

2. Return (deduct) and personnel, please log in to Alipay or WeChat applets in advance to search for the "Taiyuan Quarantine Registration Information System" for quarantine registration.

3. Community (villages) should carry out in -depth and meticulous investigation, comprehensively grasp the bottom number of risk personnel in the jurisdiction, implement the requirements of health monitoring and isolation control, and prevent disassembly out of control.

4. Enterprises, institutions, institutions, and public places must implement the main responsibilities, do a good job of preventing and controlling the prevention and control of normalization, and strictly implement the "four elements" of the epidemic prevention and control.

5. Adhere to the principle of "not necessary and who holds who holds", streamline unnecessary meetings and large mass activities, advocate activities such as simplifying marriage and funeral, marriage, etc. It is necessary to strictly check the negative certificate of kernel acidic acid detection in 48 hours.

6. The public must consciously abide by the various epidemic prevention and control regulations, gather less, less gatherings, less dinner, regular nucleic acid sampling detection, do personal protection when going out, and maintain a safe social distance. Consultation of the popular nursing clinic or designated medical institution.

7. For the implementation of the prevention and control measures of the epidemic in accordance with regulations, it is better to report the personal itinerary and cause the risk of transmission or transmission of infectious diseases, which will cause serious consequences.

Office of Taiyuan Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group Office

September 16, 2022

Source: Office of Taiyuan Epidemic Prevention and Control Leading Group

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