Memory decreased 茨 Alzheimer's disease with careful companionship can make the disease develop slower

Author:Jiangsu Health Time:2022.09.21

The memory is not good. Forget the password of the way home, the door lock, and irritable, always say some inexplicable words ... September 21 is the "World Alzheimer's Disease" day. Grandpa Zhang has gone through 10 years. In these 10 years, Grandpa Zhang had lost twice, and he had lost his temper to his family countless times. Grandma Yu said: "When he was calm, he regarded him as a normal person, gave him the respect he deserved, and exercised, took a walk to hand in hand; when he lost his temper, he saw him as a 'patient', and what could be cared about with the patient. It's because of this. In the past 10 years, Grandpa Zhang's condition has not progressed quickly, and his spirit looks quite good!

Dr. Cheng Hong accepted the citizen's consultation.

Patient as a normal person

Be careful to make the disease develop slower

"How much is 9+8? 4*7-8 How much is it ..." In the neurological seizure of the provincial-level hospital hospitals in Jiangsu Province, when a reporter casually threw some simple mathematics problems, Zhang, who was 95 years old, Zhang, who was 95 years old, Zhang, who was 95 years old. Grandpa almost answered, but when he asked what he had eaten at noon, he squeaked instantly, and suddenly seemed to have amnesia!

Grandma Yu introduced that Grandpa Zhang once worked in the Finance Bureau, so he was particularly sensitive to mathematics. Even after he was sick, he would still read and read newspapers, do questions, play puzzle games, and so on. "Some habits are cultivated after illness, such as puzzle games, because his numbers are OK, but the graphic cognitive degradation is obvious." Grandma Yu said that in the daily care process, insisting on taking medicine, exercise is necessary, others are other. The respect is to give him the respect.

Grandma Yu recalled that Grandpa Zhang was in the early days of the onset of illness. She told reporters that about 2012, Grandpa Zhang always had an inexplicable temper and liked to repeat it. However, I went to the hospital to check that Grandpa Zhang was sick. Alzheimer was sick and had entered a progressive period. Since it was sick, he must first accept it, and then he would not care about him. "Today, Grandpa Zhang's life can still take care of himself. Usually I am with him and give him the respect he deserves in all aspects of life. If you make a mistake, take him as a 'patient. As an ordinary person. "Grandpa Zhang's daughter, Ms. Zhang told reporters that every time I retracted, the doctor would exaggerate Grandpa's state.

Zheng Huifen, director of neurology at the Provincial Organ Hospital of Jiangsu Province, said that not all patients with Alzheimer's disease are obsession, and they can also have higher quality of life. In addition to standardizing treatment, careful care and companionship can make the disease develop slower.

With love and responsibility to take care of his wife for 13 years

Retired medical experts write down 200,000 words photos

"Alzheimer's patients will be moody, intermittently forget, and gradually lose their ability to take care of themselves. Their brain is like a computer with insufficient memory. Over time, memory space will become smaller and smaller ... "Professor Zhu Wenyuan of the Department of Dermatology, the 86 -year -old of Jiangsu Province, has taken care of his wife for 13 years since his lover confirms Alzheimer's disease, and has recorded the whole process of accompanying the whole process of treatment, nursing, and care. On September 20th, "Dedicated to them who were trapped in time" - "Alzheimer's Disease Accompaniment and Bai Wen" new book sharing salon was held warmly at the Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital.

Professor Zhu introduced that the book has both the popularity of scientific knowledge and no fine care sharing, but also the moving expression of "old and old and old", providing scientific care for the majority of Alzheimer's disease families Practice.

"Progressive care and companionship played a great role in the treatment of the disease." Zhan Yiyang, deputy dean of the People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province, said in an interview with reporters that for the disease itself Care and family warmth is very good for the disease. The focus of family companionship also needs to be different according to the disease of the disease. In the early days, it can interact with patients with more intellectual intellectuals, so that patients can be slower in intelligence loss. Pay attention to clothing in time, and pay attention to diet; in the late stage, you can seek some specialized nursing institutions so that patients can get more fine care.

"People -oriented care, not the disease itself." Professor Zhu Wenyuan gave his lover full companionship and dedication. At the same time, he vividly recorded the whole process of treatment, nursing, and care. A good example.

The incidence of AD should be more careful about 65 years of age, be careful

The chief physician of the Department of Neurology, Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, introduced that Alzheimer's disease (referred to as: AD) is a neurodegeneration disease in the elderly over 65 years old. At present, there is no effective AD treatment method, and early diagnosis and early intervention are very important.

"Simple memory can not be equivalent to Alzheimer's disease." Cheng Hong told reporters that the decline of speech function, such as very common items, suddenly couldn't name it, or the familiar person suddenly couldn't remember it; space judgment judged The loss of ability, such as the unfamiliar environment that was familiar with the original environment, easy to get lost, etc.; there is also the decline in the ability to deal with complex events, such as the original smart and efficient people who handle things suddenly become messy It may be a manifestation of nervous recession.

The current research believes that from the earliest asymptomatic stage to the experience of dementia to severe dementia, there are decades. Many factors are related to the onset of elderly dementia. It is roughly divided into two categories: intervention factors and non -intervention factors.Among them, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and lack of physical exercise can increase the probability of suffering from senile dementia.Correspondent Shi Zhaochun Gong Dan Dan Zhang Ting

Reporter Sun Sujing

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