National Health and Health Commission: 220,000 patients with cancer patients have been included in the whole process management

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.09.23

my country has always attached great importance to the prevention and treatment of major children's diseases. The National Health and Health Commission has taken the lead in carrying out the treatment and full management of children's cancer in the country. At present, 220,000 patients with cancer patients have been incorporated into the management of the whole process. This study provides quantitative data evidence for children's cancer prevention and control measures and policies, especially optimizing the allocation of child cancer sanitary resources.

This study was based on the human development index to study 4 health service indicators related to the diagnosis of children in children and different regions in the country, and it was found that the incidence of children's tumors and the level of human development index were significantly positively related. The population and geographical density of pediatric beds and the level of human development index also show positive trends.

Ni Xin, the dean of Beijing Children's Hospital, director of the National Children's Medical Center: From the perspective of sanitary resources, in areas with relatively backward economic development and weak children's tumor sanitary resources, the construction of children's tumor health service capabilities must be strengthened according to actual needs. During the diagnosis and treatment process, the construction of children's tumor health service capabilities is needed as one of the standards for establishing and evaluating the regional children's medical center and regional cancer centers. From the system, it is required to be equipped with high -quality children's tumor health service resources in various regions to ensure that the children are in the region in the region Enjoy convenient medical services in the province to reduce the phenomenon of different places.

(Source: CCTV News Client)

【Edit: Wang Yujin】

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