After quarreling with her husband, I have been tightly tightly tightened by Auntie, a myocardial infarction one week later

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.09.27

Chen Juan confessed to the patient's examination of Wuhan Central Hospital

□ Chutian Metropolis Daily Journalist Liao Shiqi Correspondent Ma Yaoyao

Recently, 57 -year -old Aunt Zhou (Hua surnamed) felt chest pain and chest tightness and discomfort. After arriving at the hospital, she found myocardial infarction. After analyzing the condition in detail in the Department of Cardiovascular Department of Wuhan Central Hospital, it was judged that Aunt Zhou was emotional excitement and caused coronary spasm, which caused acute myocardial infarction.

Aunt Zhou lived in Houhu, and after a week at home with her husband, she often felt chest tightness and discomfort. The morning before, Aunt Zhou felt chest pain and chest tightness again. I thought that the rest would be fine. I did not expect that the symptoms would not be alleviated for 20 minutes. The family found that the situation was wrong.

After Aunt Zhou was taken to the hospital, it was obvious that myocardial ischemia was obvious through an electrocardiogram. In combination with the results of the blood test, the possibility of acute myocardial infarction was considered. Subsequently, the Cardiovascular Department team opened the green channel for coronary arteries. It was found that the three major blood vessels of Aunt Zhou's heart blood supply were very slender, and the blood flow was significantly slow. After reviewing the vascular dilation drugs in the coronary vein, the three coronary blood vessels were significantly thicker, and the blood flow improved significantly. With the recovery of blood supply to the heart, Aunt Zhou turned in danger.

After analyzing the history of Aunt Zhou in detail, the experts of cardiovascular and internal medicines considering that she was emotional excitement, causing coronary spasm and vascular contraction to produce myocardial ischemia. Due to the long time of coronary spasm, it further caused acute myocardial infarction. Farming. After clarifying the cause, in the Cardiovascular Medical Care room, Director Chen Juan performed the treatment of alleviating coronary spasm and improving coronary microcirculation for Aunt Zhou. At present, Aunt Zhou's condition has been basically stable. Director Chen Juan told her to control her emotions in the future and keep warm when they change.

Chen Manhua, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, introduced that the more common coronary heart disease, mostly caused by the obstructive blood vessels in the coronary vein, which is caused by the narrowing of the stenosis. It is called obstructive coronary heart disease; Common causes are coronary arteries spasm, stress myocardial disease, and coronary microvascular lesions.

Coronary arterial spasm refers to the coronary arteries that supply heart blood due to various reasons, which causes abnormal contraction of blood vessels in a short period of time, leading to narrow or occlusion, reduced coronary blood flow, which causes myocardial ischemia. Causes the worsening of ischemia and causes further necrosis of myocardium, that is, non -obstructive coronary heart disease myocardial infarction. Coronary spasm can also lead to risk such as angina pectoris, arrhythmia, and even sudden death. Patients often stay up late, emotional excitement, and a lot of incentives such as smoking, drinking, strong mental stress, and cold stimulation in a short period of time. Coronary spasm is short due to the short duration. The spasm was lifted when the hospital was visited. ECG and other examinations can be normal. It is often necessary to capture the clinical diagnosis. For patients with repeated chest pain, even if the coronary angiography is normal, it may be unobstructed coronary heart disease.

Experts remind that the recent cooling, the temperature difference between morning and evening, for patients with chest pain, early morning chest pain or static state of chest pain, emotional induction chest pain, even if the coronary angiography is normal, it is still necessary to be alert to non -obstructive coronary heart disease such as coronary spasm. It is necessary to capture the electrocardiogram of the heart multiple times for further diagnosis. Usually learn to regulate and control emotions, strictly quit smoking, restrict drinking, and try to maintain an optimistic and peaceful attitude in life to avoid staying up late. Once symptoms such as chest pain and chest tightness occur, you should be vigilant and seek medical treatment in time.

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