[Window of Hypertension Science Popularization] Experts remind: decreased blood pressure in summer is not equal to healing of hypertension

Author:Zhuzhou Legal system Time:2022.07.11

"Doctor, the weather is hot, my blood pressure seems to be normal. Does it mean that my hypertension has been cured '? Then should I take the antihypertensive drug or not?" Summer, especially in the summer, especially in the case The blood pressure brought by high temperatures has troubled many patients with hypertension.

Liu Pingping, the person in charge of the Hypertension standard center of Zhuzhou Kaide Cardiovascular Disease Hospital, said that although blood pressure in summer will be reduced, blood pressure variants are high, and it is more prone to fluctuations. Low blood pressure in summer does not equal high blood pressure to be "cured." At the same time, certain blood pressure is a necessary condition to ensure the normal operation of the human body such as the heart and the brain. Therefore, the lowering pressure is not lower to the lower.

The blood pressure value in summer is low, can I stop the medicine?

For the vast majority of patients, the suspension of drugs without authorization will make blood pressure fluctuate, which will cause the probability of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular incidents to increase significantly. After undergoing dynamic blood pressure monitoring, it was found that the blood pressure was indeed low, or the patient's low blood pressure was low and dizziness and other brain irrigation. Once the blood pressure is found, the drug needs to be added in time.

Some patients really need to reduce some antihypertensive drugs in the summer. Some people have high blood pressure at night. Therefore, in addition to monitoring the blood pressure during the day, the patients who reduce the drug must strengthen the night blood pressure monitoring to ensure that the blood pressure is stable at 24 hours.

High temperature days, precautions for hypertension

1. Do not relax the blood pressure, do not reduce the medicine without authorization, and closely monitor and be directed by a specialist.

2. Prevent heat stroke at high temperature weather, pay attention to replenishing water in time to avoid insufficient blood capacity or even shock.

3. Blowing the air conditioner should not be too low in temperature. Pay attention to re -warming when the air -conditioned room is out of the air -conditioned room. Avoid repeated low temperature and high temperature crossing cause blood vessels to cause blood vessels to shrink and diastolic to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular incidents; at the same time, pay attention to avoid infection.

4. Swimming must be prepared before launching, and a single swimming time should not be too long. Patients with angina pectoris should not go swimming recently.

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