How far is Ukraine from EU candidates to member states?

Author:Straight news Time:2022.06.17

Ukrainian President Zelezzky met with leaders of France, Germany, Italy, and Romania, who visited on June 16. This is also the first time that the French President Macron visited Kyiv since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine conflict. Prior to this, many European countries have been here. It is worth noting that when Macron and others arrived in Ukraine, the air defense alert was rang over the Kyiv, and local officials urged the public to enter the shelter.

Picture source: Voice of Germany

Macron said the trip was to show the EU's "unity" and expressed support to Ukraine. He claims that the EU will help Ukraine to win and restore the boundaries. Reuters quoted anonymous French diplomats that France supported Ukraine to "win the victory" and regain land including Crimea. Macron also stated on the same day that the leaders of the French and Ronaldies all supported the status of the EU candidate for the Ukrainian EU during the meeting. This issue is expected to be discussed at the EU summit next week. After the meeting at the press conference, Macron said one word -Ukraine should independently conduct negotiations with Russia. In the process, neither France and Germany could not replace Ukraine.

Macron's visit to Ukraine was two things. One was that Ukraine had to negotiate with Russia. The second is to give Ukraine support, including supporting the status of the EU candidate and related assistance in Ukraine. These two things are actually centered on elections. The second round of voting of the French parliament will be held on the 19th. French opposition criticizes that Macron's visit to Ukraine at this time is "performing" and creating a momentum for the election.

Macron first talked about supporting the status of the EU candidate for Ukraine, but this support is not true. According to the EU regulations, joining the EU must meet a series of standards, including the free market economy, the stable democracy and the rule of law, accepting the EU law, and accepting the euro. The applicant must also negotiate with all EU member states one -to -one. After the negotiations are successfully ended, the enrollment documents must also obtain the consent of the European Council, the European Commission, and the European Parliament. Or through the referendum. The whole process is long -lasting, and some Bargan countries have waited for "decades" to join the European Union. On the other hand, surrounding Ukraine's "joining the alliance", European countries are split. Ukrainian President Zelei signed a document to apply for joining the European Union on February 28, calling on the European Union to start the "new special procedure" to quickly absorb Ukraine. However, the EU's possibility of excluding Ukraine's rapid entry into the alliance at the summit held in March. Therefore, even with the so -called support from France and other countries, Ukraine's cycle of joining the EU is still long.

Picture source: Voice of Germany

Reuters pointed out that from the news revealed by the EU diplomatic circle, some countries still have doubts about Ukraine's joining the European Union. The main reason is that a country with unresolved territorial conflicts cannot be a formal member of the European Union. Since Crimea merged in Russia in 2014, Ukraine has been in such territorial disputes. However, this condition has only become a threshold when it is officially joined by the EU, which does not affect the identity of Ukraine to obtain a candidate country in the Alliance.

In addition, some countries, including Sweden, have reserved attitudes in other respects, such as Ukraine's status in the country of rule of law that meets EU standards. Earlier, French President Macron also stated that before absorbing new members to join, the EU must reform itself. German Chancellor Savz also advocates the cancellation of the European Union's decision -making mechanism that must be passed on major issues.

At present, countries that also have the status of the EU's candidates are Turkey, Serbia, North Malaysia, and Heishan. Although Turkey has become a candidate for the Alliance in 1999, it has also conducted many rounds of negotiations in the league. The prospect of joining the European Union is very slim.

It is observed that Macron said that "Ukraine to negotiate with Russia" is Macron's sincerity. Today (17th), he repeated the view in an interview with French commercial frequency adjustment TV stations, saying that although France will do his best to help Ukraine win the war with Russia, he will continue to talk to Russian President Putin at "whenever beneficial" Essence Macron is one of the few national leaders who try to maintain dialogue with Putin. He also publicly called for it earlier that Russia should not be "humiliated", although this approach caused extensive dislike in Eastern Europe, and even French media said Mark said Mark Dragon has become the most annoying ally in Ukraine, but Macron did not change the original intention of hoping to negotiate Russia and Ukraine.

Macron's idea actually reflects the voices of most European people. The polls released by the Think Tank "European Foreign Relations Committee" (ECFR) showed that the European people gradually lost their patience to the Ukrainian issue. 35%of the respondents said they wanted to end the war as soon as possible, even if this means that Ukraine needs to abandon some territory, and only 22%of the respondents would rather extend the war to "punish Russia." ECFR co -founder Leonard pointed out that more and more European people are worried that the government will see Ukraine more important than domestic issues such as life cost crisis. "Many people believe that the European Union will pay for the war."

At the same time, Russian President Putin will also speak at the 25th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on the 17th. According to the German media reports, Putin sneered at Western sanctions on Moscow. He believes that in the 1920s, the era of "consolidating Russia's economic sovereignty". He also criticized Western countries as the culprit that caused the rise in energy and food prices in the world. Putin has previously stated many times that Russia will not be controlled by the European Union and the United States. He also pointed out that the current situation contains new opportunities. The theme of this year's St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is "New World · New Opportunities". After the relationship with Western relations is tense, Russia has shifted to Asia in economy, and it has also strengthened economic relations with Africa and South America.

It is worth noting that on the 17th local time, the Russian presidential press secretary Peskov said that Russia needed more attention to the possibility of the European Union to the status of Ukraine candidates. Russia also highly evaluates France's contribution to the differences between the parties to the mediation negotiations. Russia hopes that European leaders can persuade Ukraine's leadership and see the current situation. In addition, Russian President Putin meets with Donedsk and Lugusk leaders at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Earlier, on the 16th local time, Russia's permanent representative of the United Nations said that Ukraine's joining the European Union is not in the interests of Russia, and the EU countries are not the object of Russia's development relationship. On the same day, Russia's permanent representative of the European Union, Chirov, said at the 25th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that the current relationship between Russia and the European Union is at the lowest point since the latter was established.

Author 丨 Wang Jia, editor of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

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