The new crown leads to the decline in the life expectancy of the United States for two consecutive years to a new high after two consecutive years.

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.09.01

Xinhua News Agency, Los Angeles, August 31 (Reporter Tan Jingjing) The latest report released by the American Disease Control and Prevention Center on August 31 shows that the per capita life expectancy of the United States in 2021 shortened nearly 1 year compared with the previous year. This is the second year of the data declined, and the report analysis states that the new crown epidemic is the first reason.

The Associated Press reported in the report that in 2020 and 2021, which was raging in the new crown epidemic, the per capita life expectancy of the United States fell nearly 3 years. The last decline was during the Second World War.

The report issued by the National Health Statistical Statistics Center of the US CDC shows that in 2021, the per capita life expectancy of the United States was 76.1 years, a shortened 0.9 years from 2020; the per capita life expectancy of 2020 was 77.0 years, which was 1.8 years shortened from 2019. From 2019 to 2021, the per capita life expectancy of the United States fell 2.7 years. Among them, the per capita life expectancy of men was shortened by 3.1 years to 73.2 years; the per capita life expectancy of women was shortened by 2.3 years, and it was reduced to 79.1 years old.

The per capita life expectancy refers to the newborn baby that year, combined with the mortality rate of the year, and the average number of years of survival can be survived, which is one of the important indicators to measure the health level of residents.

The report analysis believes that the new crown epidemic is the primary cause of short -lived life expectancy in the United States in 2021. Other main causes include accidental damage, heart disease, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, suicide, etc.

A report issued by the US Center for Disease Control in April this year showed that the second consecutive year of the new championship in 2021 became the third major cause of the United States after heart disease and cancer. From January to December 2021, the total number of Americans died of new crown reasons exceeded 460,000.

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