The increasing cases of pneumonia in Argentina's unknown reasons have increased to 10 cases that have caused 3 people to die

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.09.03

China News Service, September 3rd. According to Reuters on September 2nd, local time, the number of unknown causes of pneumonia in Argentina has increased to 10 cases, which has caused three people to die. WHO is monitoring this situation.

The Fanmei Health Organization of the WHO said these cases are related to a private clinic in Twitter in Northwestern Argentine.

A preliminary report on August 30 local time showed that five medical staff and a patient who was treated in the intensive care unit infected the pneumonia, and they had symptoms from August 18th to 22nd.

On September 1, local health officials reported another three cases, with a total number of diagnosis reached 9 cases, of which 3 died. All three deceased have other health problems.

On September 2, Argentina reported another case.

According to reports, these cases have symptoms such as fever, muscle soreness, and diarrhea. Several patients had biocontonal infections. The Panmei Health Organization stated that the test results of known respiratory viruses and other viruses, bacteria, and fungal diseases are currently negative. Related biological samples have been sent for additional testing.

The Pan -American Health Organization and the World Health Organization are currently monitoring the epidemic and assisted local health officials for investigation.

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