Modi sounds!The former chairman of Indian well -known enterprises suddenly died unexpectedly

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.04

At around 3 pm on September 4th, the former chairman of the Indian Tata Group, Selex Mistery, suffered a car accident and then died.

The picture intercepts from the New Delhi TV (NDTV) News Network in India (NDTV) News

At about 3:15 pm on September 4th, Selles Misterer traveled to Mumbai from the city of Ahamamada, India, and hit an isolation on a bridge in Mahara Satra. Belt, two of the four of the car were injured and were taken to the hospital for rescue, and Selles and another passenger died of excessive injuries.

The scene map of the accident, the source of the picture: India Media

Tata Group has a wide range of operations and involves high -tech R & D, agricultural equipment and finance, and hotel industries. It is one of the world's most well -known companies in the world. Among them, the son of Tata, the chairman of Selles, was the core part of the Tata Group.

On November 23, 2011, the descendants of the founder of the Tata Group and the member of the Tata family, Latan Tata, served as the chairman of the group, and became the first person to hold this position outside the Tata family.

The Indian media reported that the passengers on the car were the relatives and friends of Selles at the time of the incident. In 2016, Selles had serious business disputes with other executives of Tata Group. When the board discussed the dismissal of Selles, Daruki resolutely opposed the decision, but on October 24 of that year, the tower was The Board of Directors of the Tower Group voted to decide to avoid the position of Chairman of Selles.

As of now, the police and the media temporarily believed that the cause of the accident was the speedy driving of the car, and the relevant investigations were still ongoing.

On the evening of the 4th, Indian Prime Minister Modi issued a tweet to mourn Selles, saying that his death was a major loss of the Indian business community and expressed condolences to his relatives.

Xiaobian X X

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